10 Most Admirable Women Leader in Biotech for 2021

Lee Ann Kimak: Committed to Saving Lives through Exemplary Leadership
As the business world continues to evolve and disrupt, so does the need for efficient and impactful leadership. As evident as it could be, leadership is crucial to a company’s ascension towards the zeniths of success. Leadership is an integral part of running any successful organisation – large or small....

Issue Profile

Chia Chia Sun, CEO & Co-founder of Damiva Inc.
Chia Chia Sun: Mindfully Driving the Revolution in Women’s Healthcare 
Modern science and the perseverance and contribution of several individuals towards women’s health have...
Maree Beare
Maree Beare: An Ardent Advocate of Digital Transformation of the Healthcare Industry
Modern hospitals and clinical institutions have become increasingly reliant on healthcare software systems....
Natalie Bartlett | ZAGENO
Natalie Bartlett: Chauffeur of Modern Change in the Biotech Industry
Pharma R&D is one of the most booming industries that always supported the world even when the pandemic...