Anna Liza Rodriguez: Pioneering Patient-Centered Oncology Leadership

Anna Liza Rodriguez
Anna Liza Rodriguez

With an aging population, advancements in medical technology, and an increasing focus on personalized care, the demand for patient care services has never been more crucial in today’s growing healthcare sector. Against this backdrop, Chief Nursing Officers (CNOs) like Anna Liza Rodriguez play a pivotal role in driving innovation, fostering a culture of compassion, and shaping the future of nursing practice.

As the healthcare industry continues to face complex challenges such as access to care, healthcare disparities, and the integration of technology, the importance of patient-centered care has become prominent. Patients are not merely recipients of healthcare services but active participants in their own care journeys, necessitating a shift towards holistic, patient-centric approaches. In this industry, CNOs serve as catalysts for change, championing initiatives that prioritize the needs and preferences of patients while upholding the highest standards of clinical excellence.

Anna Liza Rodriguez, in her role as VP Nursing and Patient Care Services at Fox Chase Cancer Center, exemplifies this spirit of patient-centered care and nursing excellence. Through her visionary leadership, Rodriguez has led initiatives aimed at enhancing the patient’s experience, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and advancing the practice of oncology nursing. Her commitment to putting patients first, coupled with her relentless pursuit of innovation, has positioned Fox Chase as a source of hope and healing for individuals battling cancer.

Let’s delve into the remarkable journey of Anna Liza Rodriguez, exploring her transformative leadership philosophy, the unique challenges and opportunities inherent in oncology nursing, and her vision for the future of patient care at Fox Chase Cancer Center!

Can you share with us your journey into nursing and how it led you to become the Chief Nursing Officer at Fox Chase Cancer Center?

I was born and raised in Baguio City, Philippines where I obtained my bachelor’s degree in nursing in 1992. I am a first-generation immigrant arriving in the U.S. in 1995, starting as a nursing assistant in a long-term care facility in Chicago pending my RN licensure. I worked in sub-acute and acute rehabilitation settings before landing my first oncology role as a staff nurse at the Bone Marrow Transplant unit at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago in 2000. After 8 years at NMH, with the latter half of my tenure at NMH as the patient care manager of the BMT unit, I pursued career growth opportunities in several Chicagoland health systems in various capacities as director of oncology services and clinical operations before assuming the role of Associate Nursing Officer at the Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center in 2016. In 2021, I was recruited to join Fox Chase Cancer Center as the Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Nursing and Patient Care Services.

What drew you to Fox Chase Cancer Center, and how does its mission align with your personal and professional values?

I actually shared my response to this question in social media during my 3rd year anniversary at Fox Chase which reads in part, “October 9, 2020, the day I took a call to learn more about an organization. I recall having a good conversation with the outgoing leader. I noted the Magnet designation, appreciated the complexity of the cancer program with services across the health system, understood the focus on integration, and sensed the need/desire for change. Had the opportunity to visit and I was impressed with the team. Everyone I had a chance to connect with spoke highly about the organization, the people, the quality of care. The culture of caring was noticeable. Everyone appeared connected to the organization’s purpose. Collegiality, collaboration, respect amongst individuals and teams were apparent.” These are what drew me to Fox Chase.

How does Fox Chase Cancer Center differentiate itself in providing patient-centered care compared to other healthcare institutions?

Keeping the patient front and center in everything we do grounds us. Fox Chase is a storied institution delivering paradigm-shifting, practice-changing, policy-informing research and world class care. Our patient outcomes are exceptional. We are among the 1% of organizations which are 6x ANCC Magnet designated: the 1st in PA and the only NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center with this esteemed designation. In addition, the person-centeredness of the care we provide was validated through personal accounts of quality, partnership and compassion shared by and observed from patients, families, staff, and leaders resulting to our Gold Certification for Excellence in Person-Centered Care designation from Planetree International. Fox Chase is one of only 98 organizations worldwide Certified at the Gold level, as well as the only organization in Pennsylvania, and one of only four Certified organizations focusing on cancer care worldwide! All these differentiate Fox Chase from other institutions.

What leadership principles do you prioritize in fostering a positive and effective nursing environment?

These are simple leadership principles I subscribe to. Connect your team to a purpose. Keep the patient front and center in all you do. Set clear expectations. Communicate clearly.  Listen. Lead by example. Take ownership. Drive accountability. Empower your teams. Encourage staff to challenge the status quo, value team ideas.

Could you highlight a significant challenge you’ve faced as a nursing leader and how you navigated through it?

Labor management relations following our nurses and technical staff joining the union in 2023 was something my team and I had to navigate through.  We had to quickly learn the rules and regulations of the National Labor Relations Board. As with anything new, it was important to learn and understand the process, to consult and collaborate with expert colleagues to ensure a supportive and productive process for our teams.

What are the key qualities that distinguish exceptional nursing leadership in the healthcare landscape today?

Exceptional nurse leaders are visionary and transformational. Clinical, business, and financial acumen is critical for the nurse leader to successfully navigate the complexities of the healthcare delivery system. The expertise to seamlessly and effectively communicate, collaborate and partner in a highly matrixed environment to drive top of license practice, best practices standardization, and clinical process improvement is essential. Advocacy for nursing to have a voice and representation at the table is important. Exceptional nursing leadership recognizes and values the talent from within the organization and provides intentional mentorship and sponsorship to further develop and grow our most important asset.

As a Chief Nursing Officer, how do you perceive the role of nursing in shaping the future of healthcare delivery?

Nursing in various roles have the ability to increase access to care, reduce disparities, and address social determinants of health for patients in partnership with other disciplines. Nurse executives can influence practice, policies/procedures and systems to ensure delivery of high quality, safe, effective, person-centered, and equitable care. There is a need to explore various care models, study opportunities to expand and optimize the scope of nursing practice.

What advice would you offer to aspiring nursing leaders who aim to make a significant impact in healthcare delivery?

Nursing leadership is a complex and multifaceted role. Set aside time for self-evaluation/self-reflection to understand your strengths and opportunities. Identify gaps in your leadership core competency and develop a plan for personal, professional and leadership development. Define your future career goals and strategically seek out roles and continuing education that will diversify and strengthen your clinical, business, and leadership portfolio. Build a team culture of ownership and accountability focused on quality outcomes. Challenge the status quo, innovate, and continuously improve keeping in mind exceptional patient care delivery as your true north.

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