Dietary Guidelines Before a Colonoscopy: What to Eat and Avoid



A colonoscopy is a medical procedure performed to examine the colon and rectum using a long, flexible tube attached to a camera, known as a colonoscopy. This procedure detects any abnormalities, such as polyps, inflammation, or cancer.

Before the procedure, special preparations and precautions must be taken, including adhering to specific dietary guidelines. This article explains what to eat and avoid before a colonoscopy. (1,2,3)

Dietary Preparation

A couple of days before the procedure, the physician recommends the patient follow a low-fiber diet. They are gentle on the colon, easy to digest, and do not leave residue in the colon, thereby not contributing to bowel function and affecting the colonoscopy. Here are some safe options:

What to Eat Before a Colonoscopy

  • White Bread, rice, and pasta. 
  • Most Dairy Products: Milk, cheese, yogurt, and cream. 
  • Lean Protein: Fish, chicken, turkey, eggs. 
  • Fruits: Fruit juice without pulp, peeled apricots and peaches, and applesauce. 
  • Vegetables: peeled carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, and cucumber. 
  • Nuts: Creamy peanut or almond butter. 
  • Fats and Oils: Butter, mayonnaise, and margarine. 
  • Soups: Broth, milk, or cream-based soup.

A day before the procedure, patients are advised to switch to only a liquid diet. They are only allowed to drink water, tea, broth, and juices without pulp.

What to Avoid Before a Colonoscopy

Some foods are forbidden before the colonoscopy, as they are hard to digest, irritate the colon, can leave residues in the colon, or block the colon, such as high-fiber foods. The following are examples of foods to avoid:

  • Whole Grains: Brown rice, whole wheat bread and pasta, whole grain cereal. 
  • Dairy Products: Nuts, seeds, granola. 
  • Legumes: Dried peas, dried beans, and lentils. 
  • Fruits: Raw fruit with seeds or skin (like berries, apples, oranges), raisins, and cooked fruits with seeds. 
  • Vegetables: Corn, tomatoes, cucumber with seeds and peel, green peas, and onions. 
  • Nuts: Peanuts, almonds, walnuts, and seeds, such as sesame and pumpkin. 
  • Soups: Corn, pea, chili, and lentil soups. 
  • Fatty and Fried Food: They are difficult to digest and slow down the elimination process from the colon.


Following the dietary guidelines properly ensures the success of a colonoscopy; as it maintains a clear colon, ready for direct examination by the medical team with a low risk of complications. On the other hand. not having an appropriately cleaned colon may postpone the procedure, which can be inconvenient. Sticking to a low-fiber diet several days before the procedure and consuming only clear liquids a day before, are essential to achieve the best, most effective, and safest results.



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