Dr. Sneha’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic- Specialized Services for Complete Oral Care

Dr. Sneha Gupta, Practicing Dental Surgeon, Dr. Sneha’s Multispecialty Dental Clinic

The first step towards staying fit is following hygiene practices. While we follow most of the hygiene practices like washing our hands, covering our mouth while coughing etc., oral-hygiene tends to be the most neglected factor.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential and one should practice as well as preach about it. Brushing teeth isn’t just enough. Oral hygiene encompasses taking care of teeth, tongue, cheek and lip as well. Brushing and flossing twice daily is a must and so is keeping our tongue clean. Besides, everyone should visit a dentist every 6 months for a regular check-up. Helping the citizens of Pune in maintaining good oral health is Dr. Sneha’s Multispecialty Dental Clinic.

One of the best dental clinics in Pune, Dr. Sneha’s Clinic provides best-in-class and advanced dental services and has earned great reviews and satisfaction from its patients.

Dr. Sneha Gupta, Practicing Dental Surgeon for more than 10 years now shares more details about the clinic.

What services does the clinic offer?

We offer all the services related to Oral & Dental treatments which include: –

  • Braces
  • Crown & Bridges
  • Veneers & laminates
  • Surgery & Oral Cancer treatments
  • Tooth Extractions
  • Fixed & Removal prosthesis
  • Kids Dental treatments
  • Tooth cleaning & bleaching
  • Painless Root Canal (RCT)

We have a team of consultants that specialize in every branch of Dentistry.

What is your opinion on the adaptation of novel technologies in dental science?

In my opinion introduction and adaptation of novel technology is always beneficial as it enhances the quality of treatment. Dental Science is a very vast and fast-changing technology so we have to regularly update ourselves by attending different dental education programs.

What is your opinion on the shortage of healthcare facilities and workers to cater to the growing number of Corona Virus Cases?

Yes, definitely there is a shortage of healthcare facility in this pandemic as a very large population is affected. But we cannot ignore that India is doing really great in handling this vast population. Each & every individual needs to take precautions to minimize the spread of the virus. Doctors are doing their best.

What difficulties has the pandemic brought about for your clinic and the dental industry in general? How are you equipping yourself/your clinic to manage the same?

This pandemic is definitely difficult for us as dentists because we are the one who needs to work on mouth and in close proximity to patients. The dental industry is badly affected in general as there is fear among patients related to safety & hygiene.

  • As a dentist, we are specialist in infection control and are taking each & every safety measure like: –
  • Proper Ventilation & Sanitization in clinic using- Spray, Fumigation, UVC light
  • PPE(Personal Protection Equipment) used for Dentist & patients.
  • Screening every Patient via temperature check & Oximeter.
  • Working by appointment only to minimize the waiting period & rush in the clinic.

What have you planned for yourself/your clinic (in terms of expansion or new equipment) in the coming years?

With our aim of perfection, in coming years we are planning to expand our clinic with all the modern technology and open few more branches.



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