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Former Ballerina Brittany O’Connor on Helping the Less-Fortunate and Oppressed People in Third-World Countries

Brittany O’Connor

Everyone has a cause they believe in – having an unwavering faith in a belief that one is sometimes willing to fight against those who oppose it. They can be as small as raising awareness about the lack of trees within a community, or something big like freeing people who have been slaves for generations. No matter what a person’s background might be, there is some cause, big or small, that they believe in, and Brittany O’Connor falls in the latter category. She is a firm believer in helping those who do not have the resources to live a healthy life, and people who have been oppressed into submission.

Working as a professional ballerina and contemporary dancer, Brittany has had the opportunity to travel to many countries. She has met people from all walks of life and seen the less fortunate survive on a day-to-day basis. Currently, Brittany is an ambassador for two organizations. One of them is Voices4Freedom, a non-profit administration that is dedicated to abolishing slavery. The other is the Andrea Bocelli Foundation – a foundation that helps build schools all across the globe, including countries that have been ravaged by natural disasters, economic devastation, or war.

According to statistics, nearly 50 million people are enslaved all over the globe – people who are forced to work under the threat of violence without any pay or hope of escape. More than half of this population comprises women and children who could never find the strength to fight against their oppressors. The people behind Voice4Freedom are passionate, experienced, and committed to their cause, with a singular focus on ending slavery within their lifetime. Most of their time and effort is concentrated on the villages of India, where slavery is commonplace and entire generations of families have known only the life of a slave. The team behind Voice4Freedom believes that their program, School4Freedom, is a sure solution to the problem of slavery. By educating the younger generation and allowing them to experience life outside of slavery, they hope to serve as the catalyst to bring entire villages in northern India to freedom.

Since the inception of the organization, through donations coming from all over the world, Voice4Freedom has managed to liberate almost thirty villages, build fifty schools, and educate more than two thousand children. Brittany is a huge advocate of this organization and hopes to be a part of their journey as they liberate more enslaved villages and guide them toward freedom.

The mission of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation, named in honor of the famous tenor Andrea Bocelli, is to empower people and communities that have suffered or are suffering from disease, social exclusion, and poverty. The organization has various different ongoing programs where people can donate to help the less fortunate receive a good education, basic necessities such as clothing, food, clean water, and medical help. One of their two major ongoing programs, Break the Barriers, combats poverty by supporting and promoting other organizations that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries living in situations of poverty, illness, or other forms of economic or natural disaster. The second program, Challenges, brings together world-class experts to find solutions to help those who have certain disabilities and overcome their limitations. Being someone who has performed at various Andrea Bocelli’s events and concerts, Brittany is quite close with the singer and is a firm believer in his foundation. She has performed and attended various events hosted by the foundation to help raise funds for their programs.

Brittany has worked closely with each of these programs to help bring hope to people who would otherwise be forsaken. She has even built a school by personally funding it, sponsored over 200 people, and helped them find their freedom through working with Voices for Freedom.  Whatever Brittany has done to help people, and whatever she will do in the future, is truly out of the kindness and goodness of her heart. She has been a true ray of hope for everyone she has helped, and they remember her for her compassionate nature.

If you wish to be a part of Brittany’s journey to helping people and donate towards a good cause, then click here

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