Early Signs of Dementia Risk Detected Through Observation of Hands - Doctor Galpin 

 The Handshake Test

Dr. Galpin suggests that changes in grip strength and handshake patterns could serve as early indicators of cognitive decline. A weaker handshake or inconsistencies in grip strength may signal underlying neurological changes associated with dementia risk.

Finger Dexterity and Coordination

Observations of fine motor skills, such as finger dexterity and coordination, could provide valuable insights into cognitive health. Difficulties in performing tasks that require precise hand movements, such as buttoning a shirt or tying shoelaces, may hint at potential cognitive impairment.

 Nail Health and Appearance

Surprisingly, even the condition of one's nails may offer clues about dementia risk. Dr. Galpin suggests that changes in nail health, such as discoloration, brittleness, or abnormalities, could be associated with underlying neurological changes linked to dementia.

Skin Texture and Elasticity

Additionally, subtle changes in skin texture and elasticity of the hands may be indicative of vascular health and blood flow to the brain. Dr. Galpin emphasizes the importance of paying attention to signs of reduced elasticity or increased fragility in the skin, which could signal vascular-related dementia risk factors.

Overall Hand Tremors and Stability

Lastly, tremors or instability in hand movements may provide valuable insights into neurological health. Dr. Galpin suggests that subtle tremors or involuntary movements could be early signs of neurological changes associated with dementia risk.