Unique Birds You Can Spot Only During the Winter Season
Snowy Owl
These majestic birds, with their snowy white feathers and piercing yellow eyes, migrate south from the Arctic tundra during winter. Spot them perched on fences or low mounds in open fields.
Bohemian Waxwing
Bohemian Waxwing
Recognizable by their soft gray plumage and distinctive crest, these birds gather in large flocks to feed on berries. Found in northern forests, they often visit urban gardens during winter.
Dark-eyed Junco
Dark-eyed Junco
Known as “snowbirds,” these small, slate-colored birds arrive in backyards across North America as the first snow falls. Watch for their cheerful hopping on the ground!
Common Redpoll
Common Redpoll
Sporting a bright red cap and streaked plumage, these energetic finches are a treat to observe. They frequent feeders stocked with nyjer seeds during the colder months.
Harlequin Duck
Harlequin Duck
This strikingly patterned duck migrates to coastal waters during winter. Look for their vivid black, white, and rust-colored markings along rocky shorelines.
Harlequin Duck
Rough-legged HawkThese large raptors descend from the Arctic to open plains and marshes. Their feathered legs provide extra warmth during their winter migration.
Northern Shrike
Northern Shrike
Nicknamed the "butcher bird," this predatory songbird appears in northern regions during winter. They’re fascinating to watch as they hunt small prey.
Long-tailed Duck
Long-tailed Duck
Easily identifiable by their elongated tail feathers and melodic calls, these ducks spend winters in icy coastal waters. Spot them diving for food in large flocks.
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch
These acrobatic birds descend to lower elevations during winter. Listen for their nasally calls and observe them climbing tree trunks.