10 Best Companies in Digital Pathology Market 2023

Deciphex: Revolutionizing Pathology Through Tech Acceleration
In 2022, there are fewer practising pathologists, who have to perform more frequent and more complex reviews. Any business that can speed up processes and simultaneously enhance confidence in outcomes must be included in our list of the 10 Best Companies in Digital Pathology Market 2022. Let’s Read More!...

Issue Profile

Paul Cornell |Axon Diagnostics
Axon Diagnostics: Supporting Better Diagnostic Care for All
With the advent of digital transformation in healthcare, visual interpretation of cellular biology captured...
Huangjing Lin | Imsight Medical Technology
Imsight Medical Technology Co., Ltd.: Assisting Doctors by Providing Higher Accuracy in Diagnosis
Doctors, clinicians, and other healthcare professionals today no longer have to perform guesswork when...
Vikram Butani | KUB Technologies
KUB Technologies: Empowering Surgeons to Reduce the Number of Re-excision Surgeries
Thanks to technology, the healthcare sector is progressing at a revolutionary pace. The advanced technology...