10 Most Innovative Digital Therapeutics Companies 2022

360Medlink: Delivering Accessible Digital Care to the Vulnerable  
A patient is said to be ‘vulnerable’ when certain disparities exist, such as the lack of accessibility to effective care services or high healthcare costs. To eliminate these, the health technologists are working every day to navigate challenges and meet the changing demands of the patients. In their...

Issue Profile

Learn Laugh Speak | Bryce Purnell
Learn Laugh Speak: Read, Write, Speak and Listen English—Anywhere, Anytime
In the globalized ecosystem that we live in, language has become a very significant bridge that connects...
Omcare | Lisa Lavin
Omcare: Enabling One-Touch Access to Healthcare and Dose-Level Medication Adherence
What is the best thing to do for yourself or your loved ones when going through illness? The only correct...


CXO | JUNE MEDICAL | Angela Spang
We are Leaving them Behind – By Angela Spang
We innovate and bring new technology to market faster than ever before. The number of medical devices...