Biolumo: An Ingenious Solution for Precise Antibiotic Selection

Olga Grudniak | Biolumo | Insights Care

In world of medicines, the most frequently prescribed one is antibiotics. Yet, every solution that might help the general practitioners to prescribe the right antibiotic is beyond their reach. As a result, they have to guess and statistically there are only 50% chances that they guess right. Biolumo is a company which will help the practitioners in prescribing proper antibiotics.

Biolumo is an innovative and growing MedTech company that aims to provide the doctors with a device which helps them in making accurate antibiotic recommendations. The device is fast enough to test every patient as well as affordable for both, doctors and the patients. In a long perspective, it will be developed for the governments or the healthcare providers. They aim to design, test, and mass-produce an inexpensive and rapid point-to-care tool.

The Exemplary Leader for Biolumo

Olga Grudniak, the CEO, is an adept leader for a MedTech company due to her interest and expertise in economy as well as biotechnology. She has inherited the “business genes” from her father, who established many successful enterprises, and “science genes” from her mother. This has helped her to find the balance between the good of the company and the benefits that their science can bring to the healthcare. The entire team of Biolumo has two very important features- they are persistent and systematic. These qualities have inculcated in them the habit of not giving up in difficult situations and seeking ideas to solve any problem that comes as an obstacle to them.

Pacing through their Story

The idea of Biolumo came to them in 2016, from a phone call. A friend, whose son had a bacterial infection, had called them to ask for a solution to quickly determine the right antibiotic for his son. Their research in-charge, Marcin Pitek, now the CSO of the company, did not find any existing answers to that question, but knew how to do it. From that moment on, with the help of many mentors and experts, the idea of Biolumo turned into a complete concept. Featuring in a prestigious conference, Infoshare-2017 was a breakthrough for them. Thereafter, they were invited to the Start-up boot camp in Berlin and started appearing in all the major conferences in Poland, like: The Chivas Venture and Impact’18. Recently, they were honoured as one of the biggest innovators in Polish MedTech by receiving Healthcare Leader’s Competition award.

Developing a Radical Product and Future Aims

Biolumo is developing a device for quick antibiotic resistance detection for healthcare as its core product. This device is being designed from scratch to be implemented in a mass, which means the hardware will not be that sophisticated and hence, will be made in large quantities at a low price. Along with being affordable for the GPs as well as the patients, the device will be fast and easy to use. In the next six months, they will enter into clinical validation by testing the product on patients’ samples and comparing it with antibiogram, the golden standard. Biolumo’s target is to introduce the product to the market in two years. Next in the pipeline, they have a tool for antibiotic resistance and bacterial infection detection for vets and livestock breeders, for which they have got the EU grant. This is estimated to enter the market in four years.

Biolumo’s Take on Effects of Technological Advancements on Healthcare

Without easy access to new technologies, like the clouds and servers, fast exchange of data, 3D printing, AI, and IoT, digital healthcare solutions wouldn’t have been possible. Jakub Wysocki, the CMO, talks about how the most important change the technology can bring in healthcare is to treat every patient individually. Different people with the same infection react differently to the same antibiotic and therefore, moving a step closer to the personalized treatment will be a breakthrough in the healthcare sector.

Strategy against the Challenges

Wojciech Giżowski, the CTO & COO, talks about how they keep the check of their competition, but the main strategy is to continuously improve their technology. They are well-informed about the changes in laws, procedures, and so on, which helps them to stay up-to-date with the emerging trends. Improving their solutions according to the market needs helps Biolumo to stay ahead in the competition. To better adapt to the changes, Biolumo is thinking about implementing the TRIZ methodology, which can be used to improve the competitiveness of their technology.

A Word on the Future of Digital Healthcare Solutions

“With all the enhancements the technology has brought to the world, medicine- the most important for our lives, is still underdeveloped. But slowly the change is coming, with quick diagnostic tools for viruses, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, genetic diseases, and of course bacterial infection, and that is the future.”, says Olga. She further talks about how with decrease in the number of doctors and healthcare professionals, the diagnosis in the future will be outsourced to the patients themselves, for which all the new MedTech solutions should be easy to use, affordable and quick. Biolumo is focused on delivering one such solution with the development of their device.



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