Ingredia Inc.: Building Better Health on the Foundations of Innovation and Expertise

Tammy Keiser, Director of Sales & Marketing at Ingredia Inc
Tammy Keiser | Director of Sales & Marketing | Ingredia

Nutraceuticals are the new frontier in health and wellness — conceived from the mix of the nutrition and pharmaceutical disciplines.

In a day and age where personal health needs prioritizing of a tantamount nature, it’s not just about what we eat, but also how it affects our body on a molecular level from the inside out.

Whether you’re looking for better skin, more energy, or weight loss, companies operating across the global nutraceutical market strive continuously to bring the customer just what they want.

One prominent name among such global leaders is Ingredia Inc., a major player in the global industry of dairy ingredients that develops and produces natural ingredients such as proteins and bioactives coming from milk cracking.

A specialist in quality dairy ingredients, from the simplest to the most sophisticated, Ingredia promotes all the milk produced by the members of the cooperative group La Prospérité Fermière. The company aims to help food and beverage manufacturers make the most of dairy ingredients. It provides them solutions that contribute to innovation in products and enhanced productivity in their plants, while staying true to a responsible production approach.

Ingredia’s dairy-based bioactive ingredients are used in numerous applications such as dietary supplements or functional foods and beverages. They are clinically proven and sought after for their recognized positive effects on health and well-being.

Milk proteins used in the creation of bioactives for health come directly from Ingredia’s cow’s milk produced in an integrated chain in the dairy area around the factory. This makes it evident that Ingredia has regional proximity to its supply and can guarantee full traceability of the raw material from collection to processing.

In addition, through its expertise, Ingredia uses gentle, non-denaturing milk separation methods in the production of its natural ingredients for nutrition and health, certified by SQF Food Safety & Food Quality, FDA, and Ohio Department of Agriculture.

“Committed in sustainability, Ingredia Inc. dairy ingredients rely on high quality specifications. Experts in innovation, we work alongside our customers to support them to generate success for them – now and into the future,” says Tammy Keiser, the Director of Sales and Marketing at Ingredia.

Tammy has a passion to help others find healthy solutions both personally and professionally. She has 12 years of experience in the dairy industry working with both bioactive and dairy products. Tammy comprehends the value dairy products bring to the healthy lifestyles people work towards and promote, and that is exhibited in her contributions towards accomplishing Ingredia’s vision and mission.

When asked Tammy about the steps that Ingredia took to pivot from the challenges imposed by the pandemic, to which she says, “The medical world deems it more important to consider a patient’s state of health in general in order to best assess the state of their immune system. Age, overweight or obesity, often high blood sugar levels, complications from diabetes and other health problems are all factors that could lead to severe COVID-19 symptoms.

“Ingredia’s new bioactive Pep2Dia® is a natural ingredient designed to help health-conscious consumers maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Thanks to its ability to inhibit the action of alpha-glucosidase enzyme, Pep2Dia® shows significant results in reducing glycaemia in several clinical studies.”

Taking a look at the awards and recognition that Ingredia has achieved thus far:

Selected by the ANIA from major names in the food industry and before a prestigious jury, Ingredia was awarded in 2021, the prize for excellence of an entire industry. This prize for social and environmental commitment is the recognition of a group of women and men united by CSR, an agile and innovative company, promoting all the links in the regional dairy chain.

Ingredia offers bottles of milk, cream, and dairy ingredients under blockchain, a world first, which raises Ingredia from BtoB to FtoC (Farmer to consumer), with real time audit by the consumer.

Looking ahead, at the Pet Food Forum USA and Vitafoods Europe 2021, Ingredia will showcase its nutritional products for Healthy Ageing: Lactium® for stress management, Pep2Dia for blood sugar management, Prodiet® Lactoferrin to booste immunity, Osteum® CPP for bones health and Prodiet® Creamy for clinical nutrition market.



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