Ryan Zofay: A Leading Voice of Change in Behavioral Healthcare

Ryan Zofay | Chief Enthusiasm Officer
Ryan Zofay | Chief Enthusiasm Officer

Great leaders pioneer the art of discovering answers to solve critical problems. They spot the discrepancies and work fingers to the bone, making human lives better. With the combination of co-occurring disorders treatment advancing in the behavioral healthcare space, entrepreneurs are conceiving innovative solutions to deliver breakthrough results. Real progress can be found in applying advanced mental health treatment within recovery treatment programs.

Blurred by the research and development of new-age neurological modalities, mental health might have been slightly ignored. But, with changing times, the world has witnessed a transformative shift in the perception of mental health awareness, trickling down the spotlight on addiction recovery and treatment facility centers.

Questioning, “So tell me this, what can’t you do?” Ryan Zofay embraced innovative solutions to fight mental health disorders by founding the We Level Up LLC. He works every day to nurture hope and wellbeing in the addiction recovery and mental healthcare space.

As the Chief Enthusiasm Officer, Ryan is proud that We Level Up’s substance abuse and mental health facilities have helped save thousands of lives, reunite families, and bring broken dreams back to life.

The Commencement

Ryan’s passion and commitment to the mental healthcare space sprouts from his personal recovery experience from addiction and his on-going sobriety success. He got sober when he was just eighteen.

Sharing his addiction recovery experience, he expresses, “Recovery brought my family and myself so many incredible gifts – but I felt most of my adult life feeling disconnected. I found myself missing out on meaningful relationships, true joy, and accomplishing my dreams until I began to look within. Once I discovered the freedom that comes with personal development, I experienced life in a completely new way. I want to share that with as many people as possible.”

With passing years, he started his work in the drug and alcohol treatment industry. Exploring the options of facility centers that offer immediate symptoms treatment, he found that there was a lack of lifelong support. This inspired him to venture into the behavioral health care space and founded We Level Up LLC.

Ryan Zofay – Trailblazing Hope in the Behavioral Healthcare Space

As a visionary leader, successful entrepreneur, and motivational speaker, Ryan pioneers in personal development strategies and aims to improve performance, connection, and mindset in his personal and business life.

Ryan is a licensed interventionist and holds 20 years of experience as a Life Strategist. At We Level Up, he devises group activities along with specialized therapeutic challenges created to teach coping skills and adaptability. Patients are taught how they can better focus their energy to communicate effectively and work powerfully in a team and independent setting.

In his current position as a Founder, entrepreneur, and leader of The Level Up LLC, he is constantly monitoring emerging trends and therapeutic techniques to impart to students.

He has been coaching for more than ten years setting the highest standards for life-changing experiential therapy and self-exploration.

With the belief that the behavioral mental health sector requires an industry disrupter to deliver a new experience for those struggling with addiction and mental health disorders, Ryan promotes long-term inner work and enables the global community to dream without limitations.

Headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, We Level Up is focused on listening, learning, training, and educating clientele and professional caregivers.

We level Up – Briefly!

We Level Up LLC offers detox and residential levels of care. In the initial stage of treatment, the organization introduces the idea of personal development and focuses on exploring the causes that drive the patient to their addiction. Moving ahead in the treatment cycle, the We Level Up team facilitates innovative, evidence-based addiction treatment methods.

The treatment facility team works hard to enhance the patient experience by extending from ongoing rigorous training to advanced therapies, improving recovery outcomes.

Sharing about the events organized at treatment facility centers, Ryan mentioned, “We Level Up hosts a weekend event every six weeks. To bring community members, treatment alumni, and their families to continue to work on the areas of our character and life experiences that hold us back from achieving our goals. These events are open to anyone and are not designed purely for someone suffering from addiction. Instead, these events are focused on the human experience. Regardless of your background, we all share the same emotions as we pace through life. Often, we allow fear, sadness, and anger to hold us back from our life purpose.”

On a mission to help clients get sober and feel better, We Level Up’s efforts have been acknowledged and exemplified by numerous national recognitions, certifications, accreditations. Along with earning hundreds of verified 5-star reviews that the treatment centers continuously earn.

Awards and Accolades

We Level Up has been awarded the prestigious Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of National Quality Approval and accredited with an ‘A’ rating from Better Business Bureau.

We have earned the trust and satisfaction of hundreds of recovered clients. Many of our clients have been incredibly gracious to share their recovery success stories online and have left us 5-Star Google verified client reviews,” says Ryan.

Catering the Ever-evolving Healthcare Needs

The giant share of We level Up’s success is credited to Ryan’s evidence-based leadership approach. He is a huge advocate for technological development and the continual evolution of treatment processes if they are derived humanely and with the right reason in mind.

Ryan notes, “The more we know, the better we can serve those around us. Healthcare is not a one size fits all and the needs of our community will continue to change, so our treatment modalities must change as well.”

As a motivational expert and licensed interventionist, Ryan is focused on an inclusive leadership approach, mitigating social inequities in healthcare.

Rising through the Pandemic Times

Across the globe, healthcare leaders faced a storming tide imposed by the COVID19 breakout. This heightened the risk of relapse, increased the everyday stress that an average person experiences, and created a lot of uncertainties. It did create a time for many organizations to work together, create new infrastructures and manage the needs of patients while mitigating the pandemic crisis and the supply chain strain.

Opinionating on the impact of the pandemic on the global healthcare sector, Ryan notes, “We need to go above and beyond to support our incoming patient’s mental health needs and our coworkers, our families, and our neighbors. I am incredibly proud of my team for the way they have stepped up to support each other and adapted to change in such a fleeting period.”

With an endeavor to manage a smooth flow of operations while ensuring employee safety, Ryan deployed a series of protocols developed by the CDC to sustain operations and keep employees and patients safe. He ensured that all locations and rehabilitation programs remained open during the COVID 19 crisis.

As the Chief Enthusiasm Officer of We Level Up, Ryan mentions that he feels proud of his team of specialists who had been dedicated to client treatment and safety. Understanding the heightened anxiety of the uncertain times, he continued facilitating the highest level of care to help new patients ensure a safe environment.

Delivering Patient Safety

Implementing safety at the treatment facility centers, Ryan devised standard operating procedures to ensure that the safety and well-being of We level Up residents and staff members are not neglected.

At the treatment centers, Ryan’s team ensures that patients’ and staff’s temperature and symptom screening is checked. While maintaining the social distancing; quarantine and isolation practices are practiced at all units of We Level Up.

To mitigate hysteria among patients and staff, Ryan has implemented the following safety protocols:

  • Use of facial masks for all staff and in group settings for treatment when and as required by regulators.
  • Enhanced deep cleaning of high traffic areas plus sanitization of treatment facilities.
  • Continuous monitoring of all CDC, state, and local health department COVID-19 guidelines.
  • Training, notification, and communications to treatment teams on public health COVID safety protocols updates.
  • Enhanced monitoring plus awareness of high-risk immune-compromised individuals with preexisting conditions.
  • Enhanced COVID screening for new admissions at all We Level Up Rehab treatment facilities.
  • Alumni and family telehealth support and visitation when and where applicable versus in-person visitation.
  • Ongoing purchases, inventory, and storage of PPE and medical supplies required for safety protocols.

Transforming the Addiction Recovery and Mental Health Care Services Space

Ryan is spearheading a transformative shift in the addiction treatment and mental health care sector. “I believe I am facilitating the change we need to see in the addiction treatment and mental health care industry,” says Ryan.

At We level Up, clients experience warm, attentive care, and some clients even boast about the amazing cafes and hospitality, including private chef-prepared meals. The health centers are known for their motivated and inspiring therapists and treatment team. Ryan believes that people in recovery deserve to be treated like guests while recovering from devastating addiction and dual diagnosis mental health illness.

Ryan marks, “I am thrilled to report that at We Level Up, we are seeing fewer relapses because of the additional support and progressive aftercare planning we offer to our patients. I believe our relapse treatment improvement can be traced from the inspiring intensive therapy offered to everyone.”

“Our highly trained team helps patients understand their past and related relapse triggers to plan for their future. I believe this positive change came from building support systems so strong that even if you tumble, you have a purpose to pick yourself up and keep trying. I believe the change came from helping loved ones understand each other, making amends for things that may have happened years ago, and learning how not to enable addictive behaviors.”

Turning Over a New Leaf

Being a standout leader, Ryan envisions a world where everyone can be empowered, know that they are enough, feel safe, and be fulfilled. He has spent the majority of 2021 gearing up to open a nationwide facility network. Consisting of centers across several new states, including California, New Jersey, Washington, and Texas. Working with his team to create ways to measure and track the success of We Level Up’s programs, Ryan continues to keep the community engaged!

Words of Kindness

Having an enriched experience in addiction recovery and mental health care space, Ryan advises the budding entrepreneurs to be passionate, resilient, and trustworthy to the mental healthcare community.

I would advise anyone coming into the healthcare industry to take the Hippocratic Oath that physicians take when they enter their field of practice and continue to work on yourself daily. You are the best source of inspiration to your team, patients, and community. The oath is to treat the suffering to the best of one’s ability, preserve a patient’s privacy, teach the secrets of medicine to the next generation, and so on,” concludes Ryan.



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