Saumya Mishra: Taking a Lead Towards Mindful Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle

Saumya Mishra
Saumya Mishra | Beyond Scale FZC

This year, perhaps you’re aiming to eat better, exercise regularly, reduce stress, or get enough sleep. But you’ve been busy with primary priorities in life such as work, kids and new opportunities. So, you end up running down the cafeteria, grabbing the quickest thing to eat and returning to the office.

Saumya Mishra is a Licensed Nutritionist with more than a decade of experience as a practicing dietitian. She believes that food should spark joy, not misery. Thus, she is on a mission to make nutrition simple yet effective and without guilt.

Being the Director and Owner of Beyond Scale FZC, a lifestyle consultancy, she manages to empower, enable and educate the clients through 24/7 client support, customized meal plans, set dietary restrictions, and weight management to name a few. Some of the core services that she offers there involve:

  • Metabolic Disorders: Providing expert advice and taking the guesswork out, for those diagnosed with Diabetes, Hyperthyroidism, Autoimmune Disorders, Food Intolerance, Anemia and BP.
  • Weight Management: Aiming to reach a weight that supports sustainable health.
  • Fit @ 40: A milestone when your metabolism starts slowing down. This may concern Gastric Issues & Bloating, Acidity and Prediabetes.

In an interview with Insights Care, Saumya talks about her approach to health, fitness and nutrition, backed by science, and how she has helped hundreds of clients transform their lives through a sustainable lifestyle and better food choices.

Following are the excepts from the interview:

Please brief us about yourself and tell us your source of inspiration for venturing into the healthcare niche.

I am Saumya Mishra, I am a Licensed nutritionist (UAE), Diabetic Educator, Nutrigenomic Counsellor, Diploma holder in Sports Nutrition (Gulf Medical University, UAE) and a Life Member of the Indian Dietetic Association. I have been practicing as a dietitian for fourteen years now. When I am not doing this, you will find my nose in a book or try to make my world better by composting, recycling, gardening, or practicing minimalism. Smart eating habits are a lifelong commitment. Food should spark joy, not misery. I want to make nutrition simple yet effective and without the guilt

So, it all started back when I was preparing for my premedical test after my schooling & somehow things didn’t work out then I realized that I can still help people through Dietetics & evidence-based nutrition practice. At home, I had always seen my grandfather practicing mindful eating in terms of food choices, portions and meal timings & keeping himself updated through Nutrition Articles in the latest edition of Reader’s Digest (in the pre google era). As an avid reader since childhood I grew up reading about the latest in science & art of eating right. The seed was sown long back in my mind but as I grew up & in my early 20’s I identified it as my calling. When we moved to Dubai after my marriage, I had to start from scratch in terms of giving licensing exams & creating my niche as a dietitian, while navigating through different jobs in the industry. Working with different nationalities & understanding their lifestyle, and eating habits have only made me more empathetic toward my clients’ perspectives. I feel blessed & grateful to be in this part of the world which is full of opportunities.

Please brief our audience about your organization.

Beyond Scale FZC:

We are an evidence-based and result-oriented lifestyle consultancy. We are on a mission to empower, enable and educate individuals through empanelled health and fitness professionals. At Beyond Scale, we don’t hear but listen to our clients. Beyond Scale believes in treating the cause rather than the symptoms. Our areas of expertise are:

  • Paediatric Nutrition (we do this through our state of art School Nutrition Program)
  • Weight Management
  • Reducing Drug Dependency
  • Women’s Health & Wellness (PCOS, Hormonal Imbalance, Gut Health)
  • Family Nutrition

Our approach to health, fitness and nutrition is backed by science and driven by expertise and professionalism. It is not only about using nutrition as a means to an end, but rather making sustainable choices through personalized nutrition.

We are in the process of developing: 

  • An advanced online platform for our global clients mostly NRIs in different parts of the world.
  • Staying outside India for more than a decade now, I kind of understand their struggle with changes in climate, lifestyle & food accessibility. We aspire to have a State-of-the-art nutrition clinic in different cities.
  • Cutting-edge nutrition workshops, modules & seminars for corporates, schools & colleges.
  • Collaborations with healthcare, fitness and wellness experts.

Beyond Scale aspires to build a cohesive, supportive and thriving community of individuals who are ready to make health and fitness a priority.

As you focus on services and excellence, can you elaborate upon the various services provided under your leadership?

  • We are an advanced online platform for our global clients mostly NRIs in different parts of the world. Staying outside India for more than a decade now, I kind of understand their struggle with changes in climate, lifestyle & food accessibility.
  • One-on-one consultation for customized nutrition
  • Nutrition workshops / Modules & Seminars for schools: Focusing on optimum growth, development, addressing common deficiencies and health concerns in growing up years.
  • Cooperate workshops for working people: We do Body composition analysis /Blood tests & bases which formulate our recommendations.
  • We work tirelessly to develop customized online tools to make our sessions interesting & fun for our clients. Also aiming to keep updating ourself with latest in technology.
  • The biggest reward is the kind of feedback & testimonials we receive from our clients.

As the representation of women in the healthcare niche has increased, is the sector focusing on the needs of women more than ever before?

Of course, the focus & awareness has remarkably increased in the past 4-5 years, now I see healthcare professionals not shying away from addressing some burning issues like early menarche, how to navigate through menopause, PCOS, etc.

At the same time, I also feel that there’s still scope for work in terms of reaching out to more women & helping them with their health issues. But a big change is that now gradually with more women in the sector, we are openly talking about issues that were easily pushed under the table.

Having a broad experience in the healthcare field, what is your opinion on the integration of technological advancements in the healthcare sector, especially when it comes to catering to the dynamic needs of the healthcare sector? 

Well, technology has been a game changer when it comes to communicating the right message and reaching out. It has also made the right health care just a fingertip away. We have already observed that during COVID.

Our online platform also relies on the latest technology to help keep us at the top of our game. But on the flip side, I feel that relying too much on technology in terms of self-diagnosing & medicating has complicated it as well. We do come across some prejudice from people who rely too much on internet-provided information and less on a qualified professional.

How to envision scaling your organization’s services and operations in 2023 and beyond?

We are in the process of developing:

  • An advanced online platform for our global clients.
  • We aspire to have State-of-the-art nutrition clinics in different cities.
  • Cutting-edge nutrition workshops, modules & seminars for corporates, schools, and
  • Educational nutrition workshops for underprivileged women.
  • Collaborations with healthcare, fitness and wellness experts.

Beyond Scale aspires to build a cohesive, supportive and thriving community of individuals who are ready to make health and fitness a priority.

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