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$5 Million will be Awarded for Research on Prostate Cancer using Novel CAR T-cell Treatment

Prostate Cancer

Ten research consortia sharing over $50 million in NHMRC Synergy Grant funding are working to develop immunotherapy treatments for Australians with prostate cancer.

Synergy Grants are intended to assist interdisciplinary groups of knowledgeable researchers in collaborating to address health-related issues from the point of discovery to the point of translation.

$5 million over five years will be provided to Monash University professor Gail Risbridger and her research team to further the development of immunotherapy treatments for prostate cancer.

According to estimates, males have a 1 in 6 chance of receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis by the time they are 85 years old. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Australia. Men with prostate cancer that has progressed to an advanced stage require new treatments.

A novel immunotherapy treatment called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy has been effective in treating several types of blood tumors. But as it is, solid tumors like prostate cancer cannot be effectively treated with CAR T-cell therapy.

To get this therapy into the clinic, Professor Risbridger’s strategy will combine cutting-edge imaging technologies, a variety of animals for testing, and unique integrated ways for producing CAR T-cells.

In order to address this intricate issue, Professor Risbridger said she has assembled a multidisciplinary team from three research institutions: the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, and the Biomedicine Discovery Institute at Monash University.

“The Synergy Grant offers a chance to bring together various areas of expertise to generate groundbreaking outcomes for effective cancer treatment.” Because academics and physicians have long collaborated, the research agenda has changed throughout time.

The initiative, which is named after the patient Tim Baker, gives those with prostate cancer hope.

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