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US Pharma Company found ointment to prevent, kill and treat Covid19

US Pharma Company found ointment to prevent, kill and treat Covid19

Food and Drug Administration-approved over the counter ointment by a US pharma company has been successfully tested. It is the first line of defence against the deadly corona virus.

The FDA-registered non-prescription over the counter (OTC) ointment has proven to prevent, treat and kill viral infections including coronavirus, said the scientists associated with the project.

In a statement the pharma company said, “As per the lab report states, no infectious virus was detected after 30 seconds of T3X treatment.”

Dr. Brian Huber, CEO and Founder of Advanced Penetration Technology said, “We believe this will be a breakthrough that will reduce the likelihood of becoming infected with coronavirus through the nose, which is where most cases are contracted. This is a big deal. It is the type of protection a lot of people have been hoping for and could be a first line of defence against the COVID virus. It is a powerful and effective layer of prevention.”



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