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Assam to launch Serological Survey

Assam to launch Serological Survey | A.A.S.H.A Assessment

The first serological survey in Assam was launched by the Minister of state for Health and Family Welfare Pijush Hazarika on Sunday to assess whether people surveyed have developed immunity to novel coronavirus.

A serological survey involves testing of the blood serum of individuals to check for the prevalence of antibodies against an infection.

The survey titled ”A.A.S.H.A Assessment of Anti- SARSCoV2 Seroprevalence in Habitants of Assam: a population based cross sectional study” is an initiative of an NGO in partnership with a diagnostics solutions provider.

“The need of the hour today is a seroprevalence study that would identify the proportion of people carrying antibodies against this virus,” the minister said.

“Mr Hazarika also lauded the effort of Padmapani Bora, an IRS (Indian Rvenue Service) officer from the state, who has been instrumental in initiating the survey.

Despite the infrastructural bottleneck and floods in the state, Assam has been doing exceptionally well in containing the infection”, he added. (Source :

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has advised states to conduct sero-survey to measure coronavirus exposure among people using IgG Elisa Test (antibody test).

It can reveal insights into the immunity against the coronavirus by detecting presence of specific antibodies against COVID-19.



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