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Russia to collaborate with India for Sputnik V

Russia to collaborate with India for Sputnik V

Sputnik V

In a significant development related to the COVID-19 vaccine, Russia has expressed its willingness to the Indian government for collaboration in the manufacturing of COVID vaccine – Sputnik V, a government official said on Tuesday.

It is pertinent to note that Russia claims to have developed the first COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V, a human adenoviral vector vaccine that fights against the deadly coronavirus disease. It has been developed by the Gamaleya National Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Last week, Russian researchers informed that presently the vaccine in Phase 3 clinical trial.

“As far as Sputnik V vaccine is concerned, both India and Russia are in communication. Some initial information has been shared while some detailed information is awaited,” Rajesh Bhushan, Union Health Secretary said on Tuesday responding to a question on whether the Russian government has placed any formal request for the manufacturing of its Sputnik V vaccine in India.

“The Vaccine and Research and Development Taskforce co-chaired by Dr Vinod Paul (Member of the Niti Aayog and Professor Vijayraghavan who is Principal Scientific Advisor) will examine the suggestions for potential collaborations on vaccine development. The committee, with inputs from members, particularly the Department of Biotechnology and the ICMR, will examine the information on the matter and will link potential collaborators where robust and value-added collaborations are feasible and meaningful,” a government official said. (Source :

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