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AUTOMA+ 2023: Discovering Game-Changing Technologies

AUTOMA+ 2023

Game-changing industry trends and technologies were discussed at Healthcare Automation and Digitalisation Congress 2023, that was held in Zurich, Switzerland, on September 25-26. Professionals from the whole value chain of the healthcare industry including Sanofi, Pfizer, Takeda, Merck, Roche, Hirslanden Klinik, Humanitas Research Hospital, Kantonsspital Aarau AG exchanged experiences and discussed the directions of an innovative future.

This year AUTOMA+ 2023 is honoured to be supported by Spital Thurgau, Sana Kliniken, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Novo Nordisk as Partners. Together with healthcare innovators and experts, companies met at the Congress to share insights about innovative health technologies for the whole value chain of the healthcare industry.

The first day of the Congress started with the Executive opening panel where speakers from EUSPA (EU Agency for the Space Programme), Spital Thurgau, United Medical Group CY/European Medical Center, Mayo Clinic Laboratories and Kanton Spital Winterthur discussed aspects of the sustainable digital healthcare ecosystem. The Executive opening panel started with the welcoming speech of Project Director of AUTOMA+ 2023, Yuliya Glazyrina:

“Today AUTOMA+ brings together a community of 230 leaders and experts to discuss the current state of the healthcare digital transformation, to share the latest trends and best practices. I am sure you understand that healthcare is about everybody, it is about each of us, and our main aim is to create a brighter future for digital healthcare together.”

The two-days business programme of AUTOMA+ 2023 comprised different formats of the sessions including leaders talks, roundtables, panel discussions. Speakers shared their thoughts and insights on the up-to-date topics such as hospitals of the future, healthcare 5.0, AI and robotics, digital privacy and many others. The business programme also included a new format of workshops, closed-door sessions, where speakers directly interacted with the audience. At the workshops, honourable partners, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Sana Klinikum Offenbach GmbH/Sana Kliniken AG, presented VR technologies for training the health professionals of tomorrow and discussed digital health technology adoption.

With the aim to expand the professional network for mutual growth and deepen the knowledge of industry digital transformation, the next editions of AUTOMA+ will change its focus to automation and digitalisation in the pharmaceutical industry. This way, the next edition of AUTOMA+ will be called the Pharmaceutical Automation and Digitalisation Congress 2024. BGS Group would like to thank the participants for the valuable support and invites leaders and pioneers of the pharmaceutical sector at AUTOMA+ 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 18-19, 2024.

Visit the official website of AUTOMA+ 2024 for more information:



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