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Experts Advise on Preventive Measures on Brain-eating Worms and Mercury Poisoning

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Are you having inexplicable memory loss or mental fog? Have you ever wondered if you might be infected with a parasite? Based on a 2012 deposition that the sources recently examined, that appears to have been the shocking prognosis that independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received from one of the nation’s leading neurologists 14 years ago. Kennedy’s pals were reportedly afraid that he might have a brain tumor at the time because he was exhibiting a number of neurological symptoms. Rather, it turned out that he was infected with a parasite. He acknowledged to the Times and stated in his 2012 deposition that he was experiencing acute mercury poisoning at the same time.

Managing a brain parasite and mercury toxicity simultaneously appears extremely unlikely. But how uncommon is each illness exactly? (Extremely.) How can you prevent a similar outcome?
Hany Elsheikha, a parasitology specialist at the University of Nottingham, estimates that about two dozen parasites are known to be able to enter the brain; however, this isn’t always the case because many parasites are either eliminated by the immune system or wind up in the stomach. They include common species like single-celled amoeba that can cause deadly meningitis and Toxoplasma gondi, which is thought to have infected approximately 11% of the US population over the age of six.

The specific type of parasite that may have infected RFK Jr.’s brain is unknown. Despite the fact that parasite infections are more common than one might think, they usually spread to different parts of the body.

“Parasites don’t normally infect the brain, because it has a special anatomical structure which keeps it well protected,” Elsheikha says. “But sometimes they have a special affinity to the brain, and that person has a preexisting health condition or something going on in the background which makes them immunocompromised, and so the parasite seizes the opportunity.”

According to Elsheikha, parasites typically seize the chance to live in the brain or spinal cord because of the organ’s high metabolic activity and abundance of carbohydrates for the organism to feed on. However, they may eventually wind up devouring brain tissue, as was reportedly the case with Kennedy. Their existence can show up as a variety of symptoms; T. gondi has even been linked to a number of mental illnesses.

Elsheikha states that because the symptoms aren’t distinct, it may take some time for a doctor to determine the cause. Long-term headaches that are incredibly incapacitating, anxiety, sadness, sleep deprivation, forgetfulness, and occasional nausea and vomiting can all be symptoms. Since eosinophils are engaged in the immune system’s defense processes against parasites, an excess of them appearing on a blood test is one of the main indicators that a parasite may be implicated.

Precautions can be taken include eating clean, fresh and healthy food that is boiled and cooked properly. People should avoid eating in unhygienic places or roadside eateries where there is lack of cleanliness and hygiene. Ensure the utensils and cutlery used is washed properly. Care should be taken while purchasing the food

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