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Five Life-altering Yoga Retreats in the World

Yoga retreats

Life-altering Yoga Retreats in the World

So, when did you think of Yoga benefits, maybe on the last International Yoga Day or after a social media post that went viral or around a social debate that concludes Yoga as a balanced way of life. Here are Life-altering Yoga Retreats in the World

But why do we need to discuss Yoga today? Is it due to our inactive conscience or ignorance of self that originated from the corporate run that we peddle daily?

 In a world where a giant share of the population is nose dipped in the daily chores followed by a long-distance commute, rolling eyes on the merits of Yoga might seem difficult and almost impossible to inculcate it in our daily practices.

But the triggering question is, how did we distance ourselves from well-being and immerse ourselves into toxic lifestyle culture? Be it the Diabetes, Cancer, Psyche Ailments, or keeping our anatomy fit for survival, Yoga has been providing solutions to all human ailments. Rising from the age-old practice of Indian gurus to global retreats, Yoga has found its deserving acknowledgment across the globe.

Today, many social, political, and intellectual institutions have found yoga benefits to be of immense significance. And knowing these merits, many organizations promote yoga practices through yoga retreats.

This trend has opened up immense opportunities to the community that is interested in dwelling on a vacation that holistically cleanses the urban toxicity and rejuvenates them to start afresh with high zeal and enthusiasm.

With such refreshing thought, you might be wondering, what can be the propelling start to hop you on a journey of yoga retreats that has all the required facilities as well as provide you with a serene and hygienic ambiance?

If you are searching for answers to such queries, this blog will prove to be your perfect match!

  1. Lauren Taus

Taus—is a  famous name to get your vacation to its zenith while enabling you to experience a yoga adventure out of your comfort zone. Lauren Taus has been spreading transformation in the yoga retreat segment and drives tourists to Israel, but not just Tel Aviv. With Taus, your retreat may start from Tel Aviv and extend to Golan Heights, Jerusalem, and the list may go on.

As per Lauren taus, “An embodied life is one of optimization. You rise higher in all that you do – and you naturally encourage others to do the same.”

Being a yoga and meditation teacher herself, she has scouted the globe and known the jewels of the Middle East that focus on peaceful ecosystem-changing geopolitical dynamics. As a firm believer in the intertwined nature of individual and collective healing.

With her presence, the retreat becomes a once-in-a-lifetime adventure transforming ones life from a bright standpoint, and the retreat’s prior experience says- Once you get around her psychedelic and yoga practices, there is no turning back!

  1. Gaya Immersions

On a mission to help humans become better humans, Gaya Immersion is everything about life transformation through yogic philosophy. The training program by Gaya Immersion focuses on multiple inclusive ways to practice Yoga.

Once you step into Gaya Immersions events, you will be encouraged to link Yoga’s acquired understanding with the deep awareness of the practice while integrating it with your daily lifestyle. Sounds interesting, right?

But, Gaya Immersion’s marvels do not end here!

This adventure in Ribeira D’Ilhas, Ericeira, Europe has many different events. From breath work to biomechanics and anatomy to the 4 paths of Yoga, Gaya facilitate a wonderful experience that hep every individual with individual transformation, rejuvenating self and disrupting the toxicity of urban lifestyle.

Known to be one of the best retreats, its result are transforming life of many!

  1. Rolling Meadows

Imagine a rejuvenating vacation on 100 acres of land in rural Maine in a restored farmhouse in England on a ridge with rolling hills. That’s what Rolling Medows has to offer for yoga enhusiasts.

It is well equipped with a garden, woods, streams, and a spring-fed pond for swimming. With highly qualified yoga practitioners—Rolling  Meadows enables one to enjoy a fully functional sauna coupled with cross-country skiing too!

This International Yoga Day, rolling Medow can be your best shot!

  1. Yoga for Bad People

If you are assuming to exclude yourself due to the term “Bad People, ” you might be holding on to a wrong assumption.

One of the most honest Yoga companies, YFBP, is for all the bad people and its means—you, me, and everyone. In our urban hustles, we have sidelined many good practices, making us stand on YFBP reference of bad people. Its founder—Katelin Sisson and Heather Lilleston says, “Our mission is to provide a combination of the traditional style yoga retreat with time for other activities not falling under the category of Yoga. We are normal people. We want to have fun. And we like Yoga.”

This International Yoga Day theme can prove to be your best opportunity to experience the serene beauty of traditional yoga practices while having a relaxing vacation, retreating your soul.

  1. Sevens Senses

If you are assuming that this is the last retreat option on the list, you are wrong. It is not a retreat but more of an opportunity for transforming self through the lens of seven chakras. Still confused about what the above ideation means?

Let’s figure it out!

Conducted in the world’s famous destinations- Costa Rica and Mexico with Dr. Erica Matluck, this venture helps its visitors with a naturopathy treatment of breath work, sound meditation, archetype, and many more.

People come to Seven Senses retreats with a variety of intentions. The experience is designed for people in life transitions or those wanting to make big changes in their lives,” says Erica.

Wrapping up!

Knowing these five wonders of the world, this International Yoga Day, delve into the magic sites, and know the power of self-transformation that may take your life to new heights.

As far as these five yoga retreats are concerned, taking up activities for your own individual development will ensure your future in a productive direction with a wisdom-seeking mindset.

Utilizing the opportunities of this International Yoga day, have a relaxing, rejuvenating, and relishing experience with a yoga retreats of your choosing.



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