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Health Authorities Caution as 2 People die from MVE in Western Australia


Two people have died from Murray Valley Encephalitis (MVE) in Western Australia, prompting a health warning for anyone visiting the northern parts of the state. Residents and travelers to northern WA have been advised to protect against mosquito bites and be aware of mosquito-borne diseases.

The warning follows four reported cases of MVE this year, with two fatalities in the state’s Pilbara region. The alert is specifically for residents and visitors to the Pilbara, Kimberley, Gascoyne, and Midwest regions.

Most people infected with the Murray Valley Encephalitis virus experience no symptoms or only mild ones. However, in rare cases, about one in every 800 people bitten by an infected mosquito can develop a severe infection, leading to brain swelling, brain damage, or death.

There is no effective treatment or vaccine for MVE, making mosquito bite prevention crucial. Dr. Jay Nicholson, Acting Managing Scientist at the Department of Health, emphasized that protection against mosquito bites is the best defense against MVE and other mosquito-borne viruses.

“We anticipate an increase in travelers to the higher-risk northern regions in the coming weeks, and I urge travelers to prepare accordingly,” Nicholson said. “Consider basic preventive measures before your trip, such as packing effective repellent and long, loose-fitting clothing for everyone in the family. Residents and workers are also urged to protect themselves, especially when spending long periods outdoors.”

Initial symptoms of MVE include fever, drowsiness, headache, stiff neck, nausea, and dizziness.

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