Misceo Grand Technology: Ushering towards the Next Generation Telemedicine Technology

Mahesh Galgalikar | Founder & CEO | Misceo | Telemedicine Technology | Insights Care

There is a growing demand for a system that can monitor all essential body vitals and activities of the patient usually monitored in ICU and help in Cardiac events prevention, diagnosis, post-operative care and ongoing management of patients through non-invasive monitoring. Silicon Valley-based Misceo Grand Technology is a pioneer that provides cutting-edge real-time cardiac tracking and analysis for Hospital and clinics for both in-patient monitoring and Ambulatory out-patient monitoring using a single medical device platform.

Misceo helps Hospitals to extend their services beyond their premises. It provides a connected healthcare solution to decentralize existing healthcare infrastructure and coordinate patient care services between clinics at remote locations and hospitals.

Misceo/The company first came into existence as a software analytics company for the diagnosis of congenital heart defects using acoustic analysis of heart but soon jumped into Healthcare IoT industry and started building its H/W product line for a tele-ICU market. Misceo is working to close the gap between inpatient and outpatient monitoring by developing a seamless medical device platform that could scale from hospitals to homes.

The company intends to disrupt the home healthcare market and optimize healthcare delivery with the help of its medical device solution and advance cloud analytics expertise.

About the Leading Light and His Sight

The company was incepted in 2013 by its visionary Founder and dynamic CEO, Mahesh Galgalikar. He holds a Master’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology, NY and has more than eight years of vital experience in medical technology development. He is the pillar of strength for Misceo and the principal inventor behind its flagship technology.

According to the CEO, today, everyone wants to reap quick benefits without understanding the harsh reality that this industry is one of the slowest moving sectors regarding product market adoption and especially in regulatory requirements. “Medical community is very rigid when it comes to adoption of new technologies. Due to rigorous standards laid down by FDA, it’s always a lengthy process to get the product ready for market,” asserts Mahesh. “Our focus is very straightforward and clear, build a product which is centered on the end users need and deliver the best quality possible in the least amount of time.”

Significant Facets of its Product

Company’s flagship product is a portable one that provides accessible and insightful details related to a heart ailment in a technologically superior manner that too at low cost and in simple & accurate terms. Apart from this, their product is unique in much sense. It offers:

  • Continuous Monitoring: Misceo Access is the only continuous long-term multi-sensor ambulatory monitor to be in the market
  • EHR Integration: Misceo Unity infrastructure will seamlessly integrate with hospitals EHR systems to deliver hassle free solution
  • Error-proof: The ergonomic design of Misceo Access eliminates common errors due to ECG patch misplacement
  • Reusable: Misceo Access can be used time and again (Electrode patches are the only disposable element)
  • Efficient Procedures: Monitoring device moves with the user, so transitions from one procedure or location to the next are seamless in Hospitals
  • Multi-parametric Status Monitoring: Provides Continuous 6 Lead ECG, PPG, O2 Sat, Body Temperature & Activity
  • Virtual Oversight: AI lead oversight for continuous patient monitoring reduces the burden on physicians, cardiologists, and technicians in Hospital and thus assists in analyzing patient data and alert generation

The Scenario of Medical Device Industry

Hospital readmission is a primary concern these days. If hospitals don’t reduce preventable 30-day readmissions, they stand to lose a substantial amount of revenue as per Hospital readmission reduction program administered by CMS in 2012. An effective telemedicine service is the solution to this problem.  Although, there are many MCT devices available, but none assist the hospitals in a way that can reduce financial losses. Thus there is a dire need for a system that would scale effectively from inpatient monitoring scenarios to outpatient monitoring and   provide more clinical grade information to help cardiologist come up with a diagnostic solution rather than just alert creation. High cumulative consumer costs (due to non-reusability), dependence on the device company for raw data retrieval, the company technician’s accurate collection and reporting of raw data, and generation of a summary report are some of the numerous disadvantages which current medical devices possess.

To alter this scenario, Misceo developed its wireless solutions that continuously monitor multiple body vitals and therefore provide arrhythmia burden, but can also wirelessly send critical arrhythmic events in real time for timely diagnosis and treatment.

Future Outlook

There was a time when the medical device industry was more focused on curative measures and understanding the progression of a disease. Today, it is moving towards preventive healthcare as more and more emphasis is given on disease prevention. Soon, technology like AI will assist scientists to unlock many mysteries towards the cause of disease prevention.

“We feel with the technology in development at Misceo, we would be able to have a better understanding of human cardiac conditioning and progression of various symptoms in various cardiac and COPD conditions which would help us prevent significant medical conditions,” concludes the CEO. “Company intends to scale the solution for simply hospital scenario to a full-fledged home healthcare solution for chronic patient management by 2019.”



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