Nutritional Desideratum during Pregnancy

Pregnancy Nutrition | Insights Care

Pregnancy is a significant moment in the life of a woman. This is the period of time where the individual will need to take good care of herself and ensure that a healthy pregnancy includes an equally healthy diet. This is where the nurturing of the child starts and helps it grow in an ideal environment. The fetus growing inside the womb relies entirely on the food consumed by the mother. It is hence necessary to implement foods containing more calcium, folic acid or folate, iron and proteins. The intake of fruits and vegetables needs to be taken seriously as adding a large variety of them into the diet can prove to facilitate more vitamins and minerals within the body.

Implementation of Nourishment for the Fetus

Food is the element that helps humans live and provides them with energy to carry out their day to day tasks. The ingested nutrients upon getting absorbed into the body start building up the body and repair it from within. Similarly, for women who are expecting, they need double the nutrition as it needs to be balanced out for the growth of the baby as well as energy for the mother. Here are some of the things to add into the diet compulsorily to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Dairy Products – The need to consume foods that are rich in protein and calcium are at its –peak as this is a major requirement for the fetus’ bone health. The high quality protein mainly casein and whey are found in dairy products along with magnesium, phosphorous and zinc. Yoghurt is a rich source of all the above nutrients especially calcium which assures that the babies developing bones, teeth and muscles are healthy. Some variants of yoghurt also contain probiotic bacteria which are very important for digestive health and assist in constipation during pregnancy. Consumption of milk may also help in reducing the chances of pregnancy related complications.

Legumes – These small pods are rich in iron, protein and folate. During the first trimester it is essential that both the mother and fetus receive folate as it is possible that the chances of low birth weight are reduced. The fibers present in it also help in preventing hemorrhoids for the duration of the pregnancy.

Fish – This is also a natural source of vitamin D which is good for the hair as well as nails. Consumption of fish helps in providing the body with Omega 3 fatty acid. The fetus’ brain and eyes are built using this nutrient but fish like salmon should be consumed in moderation. The risk of impurities or large quantity of mercury does exist, but nonetheless, the occasional sea food can help in completing this very important dietary requirement.

Broccoli and Dark Leafy Greens – The presence of fiber, vitamins C, K, folate and potassium in these vegetables holds various benefits for both. These are rich in anti – oxidants that may help in preventing cancer, arthritis and Parkinson’s disease as well. It can also help in reducing the risk of low birth weight. The likes of Spinach, Kale and Arugula are crucial for the purification of blood as well.

Whole Grains – Grains like whole wheat, whole oats, barley and quinoa help a pregnant woman fulfill the daily calorie requirements. This is especially necessary during the second and third trimester as the growth of the fetus is the fastest and the body requires energy to carry out everyday functions as well. They also contain magnesium which may help in relaxing the muscles and also preventing the uterus from contracting prematurely.

Fruits – These contain natural sugars that can help with the sweet cravings as well. Avocados contain more folate than any other fruit apart from which it also contains vitamin C, Vitamin B and choline. They also contain iron which is necessary for the blood health. The potassium also may relieve leg cramps that are a common occurrence during pregnancy. Bananas are also helpful in giving the woman’s body the required amount of potassium. Apart from this berries which contain flavonoids and carbohydrates can give the body a boost of energy. The entire duration of pregnancy maybe exhausting but nonetheless, it’s all about consuming the right food that will good health for the mother as well as baby.

Water – Finally, the elixir of life – water, is extremely important in any case. This is one fluid that helps in maintaining overall health. During pregnancy the blood volume usually increases considerably. The water helps maintain this level and also helps in reducing the risk of urinary tract infections.

Imperative Pre-requisites for a Safe and Healthy Pregnancy

In the entire term of pregnancy it’s necessary for to get lots of sleep. In a lot of cases, women tend to lose out on sleep due to bodily and hormonal changes. But rest required to help the body relax and heal. No matter at what point of the day, if one feels the need to sleep they need to ensure to get the desired amount of rest especially in the final trimester. It is also necessary to implement some light workouts which may reduce the chances of drastic weight gain, mood problems and muscle pain which is very common. The doctors themselves usually suggest these exercises which will help refresh the mind and body as well. The things to avoid would be eating raw meat which may contain various harmful bacteria and also avoid getting into a hot tub as the high water temperatures maybe harmful to the fetus. The food consumed during pregnancy always has an effect on the energy and wellbeing of the mother. Hence it is necessary to maintain a healthy practice to ensure the healthy growth of the baby and a well-nourished pregnancy.



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