URSATEC GmbH: Aiming for a Preservative-free Future

URSATEC GmbH | Andreas Bilstein
URSATEC GmbH | Andreas Bilstein | Managing Director

In the pharmaceutical industry, medicines are kept free from microbial contamination by adding preservatives to prevent the degradation of products and avoid the spread of harmful microbes. But unfortunately, most preservatives harm the tissue of the body and exacerbate potential preexisting allergies and diseases.

Considering these challenges, there are organizations that have a futuristic approach and are producing preservative-free products. One such company, URSATEC GmbH, supports the global health industry by providing, developing and approving preservative-free products.

Andreas Bilstein, PhD is the Managing Director of the company since August 2020. He is a biologist by training and has more than 15 years of experience in developing medical devices, food supplements and cosmetics. He has always focused on preservative-free products for various applications and indication areas.

What drives him is the development of advanced products and a better life for people, combining data-driven scientific research and economic impacts to achieve innovation and progress.

When Preservative-free Matters

URSATEC GmbH is the inventor and market leader in dosage systems for preservative-free applications. ‘When preservative-free matters’ is more than just a slogan for the company; it focuses on its actions and its commitment to its product and service portfolio.

It is well-known that preservatives can cause various allergic reactions, such as allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, or contact dermatitis.

The organization supports the global healthcare industry in developing, approving and producing preservative-free pharmaceutical, medical and cosmetic products, as well as food supplements.

Wide Range of Preservative-free Products

URSATEC’s main cooperation partners and clients are pharmaceutical, medical device and cosmetics companies, and they offer their customers safe and effective solutions with their products and trust in the quality – made in Germany.

The technologically sophisticated systems are made to protect unpreserved formulations for long-term use. What began as a niche product has risen to a 25-year-lasting success story.

The dosage systems guarantee perfect protection against microbial contamination while providing all the advantages of multi-dose systems. They offer safety of use without the need for any preservatives.

The organization is proud to have initiated a rethinking of the market for nasal sprays and set preservative-free formulations as the new standard in Europe. URSATEC is continuously aiming to improve the dosing systems and the materials used for improving sustainability and quality.

The company extends the existing technology by implementing solutions not only for liquids but also for semi-solid applications to allow the development of truly preservative-free emulsions and lotions for skin treatment. They are also working on optimizing droplet size distribution and application performance to allow targeted delivery, e. g. for the olfactory region or lung delivery. Together with partners, URSATEC works on the digital augmentation of the pump systems to allow telemedicine approaches, dosing control, filling control, and connectivity approaches between the users and the health care professionals.

Adhering to Core Values

Since the core value of URSATEC is to support the growth of preservative-free products to support the world´s healthcare industry, Andreas and the company’s focus is based on making healthy and tolerable products suitable for every age and every need.

Andreas further states, “Especially people with allergies or sensitive skin often must be extra careful when choosing cosmetics, food supplements or healthcare products. With our 100% preservative-free technology, we can exclude almost all allergic reactions and hence provide healthy products for everyone.”

Accordingly, the company’s mission is to spread this technology and understand the need for preservative-free products even further so more people can profit from its technological advantages.

Inculcation of Technological Know-how

New technologies are fast-forward at a pace that was not imaginable before. Especially social networks are booming, and therefore more opinion leaders now support healthcare professionals. With their influence on consumers, they can quickly lead them towards a certain trend or product, with consumers following them willingly.

As it is the company’s responsibility for planning and producing industry scale quantities for global players of the pharmaceutical branch, URSATEC, of course, relies on the latest IT technologies for their ERP systems, internal- and external communication tools, as well as document storage and exchange.

Besides the digital improvement of its operational side of the business, the organization also entered the topic of digital augmentation to allow enhancement of the customer’s experience of drugs and devices.

With Validose, the organization is working on a digital augmentation of its container closure system to enable telemedicine approaches, better patient control, and application and hence overall more convenience in using the product.

The Latest Adversities

The innovative device allows the digital connection of patient and attending physician via apps and prevents false or even overuse of the prescribed drug by tracking the prescribed dosage and correlating it with the amount already consumed in a day. All this information is then shared with the physician and can be evaluated without additional in-person appointments. Probably the biggest challenge every industry and every company faced in 2022 was keeping up the supply chain and the flexibility to adjust to the rapidly changing economic environments of the company and its customers. That means developing smart storage and delivery concepts in cooperation with customers and suppliers rather than taking a solo approach to solution-finding.

With such smart concepts on storage keeping, forecasting and delivery optimization, Andreas asserts, “We will also be able to increase customer demand as they will also gain security in their planning and supply chain management.”

One-Stop Solution

Increasing the customer’s demand also provides a chance for the organization to further establish its ONE Source concept and brand. ONE Source is the way to fulfill customers’ expectations and provide the complete value chain of a product. Starting from the idea of providing innovative dosage systems, full regulatory support, and laboratory services up to sterile filling and thus providing the customers with filled and finished products from just one single point of contact.

An Intellect’s Piece of Advice

Andreas believes for everyone starting in this industry in today’s day and age that keeping innovation and progress as core principles of every new venture are absolutely essential.

He further opines, “Entrepreneurs need to be open-minded on new opportunities and technologies and hence should be keen to take a more data-driven approach to solution finding and scaling their business.”

Since regulations and quality are cornerstones of the industry, they need to be professionally implemented instead sooner than later and thoroughly connected to modern IT systems, not only in a company itself but also with other ventures to achieve maximum impact.

Besides this, Andreas asserts staying calm and patient. He states, “We are dealing with people´s health, so all risks and safety measures must be evaluated in-depth, and there is no space for rushing decisions and developments. Quality, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, needs time for the end consumer’s benefit.”

Transformative Approach

When talking about the endeavors of URSATEC, Andreas asserts that the year 2022 has been another year facing a global pandemic and other challenges around the world. So, of course, its goal is to provide beneficial products to a wide range of people and make them accessible to as many people as possible.

To do so and ultimately scale its business, the company strongly focused on finding new partnerships and partnering companies with whom they can launch innovative products. URSATEC’s Business Development is working with different online channels and digital events, as well as with conventional trade shows to be present in the market and to find new partners.

Further talking about COVID, Andreas states, “If there is one thing, we can take out of the COVID pandemic, it is the convenience and scalability via virtual meetings and new work in general. Those new digital tools will be used by URSATEC even well after the pandemic is over, to provide convenient access for our customers and partners and to enable soaring efficiency of our internal processes and projects.”

Apart from that, the company keeps a close eye on the market, the developments and trends in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food supplement markets, and hence they have always stayed on top of the current market needs.

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