Dominant Leaders To Watch In Healthcare Industry

Rupak Barua: Committed to Growth and Service
Challenges can be intimidating. However, they also have the capability of bringing out the best in a person. Had it not been for challenges and the necessity of action that they create, mankind would have been deprived of many great inventions and discoveries. Challenges nudge people to go beyond their...

Issue Profile

Redefining the Healthcare Policies | Abhik Moitra | Healthcare Magazine
Abhik Moitra: Redefining the Healthcare Policies
Leadership is driven by excellence. A profound leader making sound decisions is the one who brings the...
Dr. Kishore Kumar
Dr. Kishore Kumar: Providing Topnotch Infant Healthcare Solutions
At a very young age, Dr. Kishore Kumar has achieved a lot in the field of Neonatology. He is a world-renowned...
Srikanth Chellappa
Srikanth Chellappa: Driving the Digital Healthcare Revolution
The recent technological advancements have brought about a massive and welcoming change in the healthcare...
Dr. Ranjeet Singh Ajmani
Dr. Ranjeet Singh Ajmani: Dedicated to Make a Self- Sufficient India in Plasma Protein Therapy
The bright red blood that courses through our body makes sure that we are alive, and awesome the way...

Leader of the Month

Mr Suresh Ramu
Suresh Ramu: Striving to Cure Cancer with A Patient-Centric Approach
Recent decades have seen a rising epidemic of non-communicable diseases across the world, including cancer. ...