MedInformatix: Client and Data Driven Healthcare Information Technology

Pat McGoingle | MedInformatix | Insights Care

As the U.S. healthcare industry continues to evolve, solution providers are working overtime to stay on top of the latest trends and technology that will keep them on the leading edge of innovation. MedInformatix, the Los Angeles-based company known for its enterprise practice management, electronic health records and radiology information systems solutions; is helping lead the way and increasingly developing a reputation for offering some of the most highly customizable and scaleable solutions in the marketplace. Their signature software solution MedInformatix V7.6 is deployable across multiple medical specialties and modalities, helping practices of all sizes achieve optimal data and workflow efficiency and establishing new levels of engagement between patients and the physicians who serve them.

Establishing a Legacy

MedInformatix launched almost 30 years ago out of the simple mission to leverage technology to make medical practices and the delivery of healthcare more efficient. Led by President and CEO Pat McGonigle, the founders combined their healthcare management and automated billing expertise to create an innovative solution where practices could better manage data flowing through their enterprise while at the same time improving their cash flows and profit margins. They tested the solution on a group of about 50 clients at first, mostly radiology and imaging centers on the West Coast. Within a couple of years, as MedInformatix scaled its solution into a more sophisticated platform, it was not uncommon for practices to increase their revenue by more than 400 percent. It turns out; MedInformatix was innovating revenue cycle management long before it became one of the hottest buzzwords and trends in healthcare.

Today, MedInformatix continues to forge new frontiers. Their signature RIS is helping transform the delivery of radiology in practices large and small; and their EPM and EHR solutions are at work in cardiology, pediatrics, psychiatry, ophthalmology, OB/GYN and other specialty practices in clinics and hospitals across the country. Research and development teams work collaboratively with clients to ensure MedInformatix remains a technology leader and on top of ever-changing industry regulations. “We’ve come a long way in 30 years, but we haven’t lost sight of which we are, or what we still want to achieve,” says McGongile.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

As a forward looking technology company, MedInformatix is in a continual state of growth and innovation. This is a good thing, as the healthcare industry’s evolution undoubtedly brings with it new challenges. Some are unique to certain practices, and others are more industry-wide, such as the changing landscape of healthcare delivery in the US and the regulatory environment in which providers, regardless of their size or specialty, must adhere.

Meaningful use was one of the first big industry initiatives in recent times that lead to the government incentifying medical providers to adopt an EHR to improve their quality of care. MACRA, theMedicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, is the next big regulatory initiative that has the potential to restructure U.S. healthcare significantly. MedInformatix has been on the forefront of both issues, working alongside their customers, hosting industry summits, webinars and informational sessions to get them prepared for this change. “We’ve served to not only engage with our clients on challenges such as these but also advocate on their behalf, through our involvement in industry associations and testifying in Washington before government agencies, regulatory bodies, and legislative leaders,” said McGonigle. In fact, McGonigle notes MedInformatix was one of the first Electronic Health Records companies to be certified by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology, even before Meaningful Use was introduced.

McGonigle says his company has approached every challenge as an opportunity to improve and advance the interests of their clients as well as the company.  And he’s been able to do it based on the quality and commitment of the people around him. “MedInformatix is successful because of the people and technology partners who work for us; as well as those for clients we serve. Our employees and customers are by far our greatest assets, without them, we would not be where we are today,” asserts Pat McGonigle.

Clients Come First

It’s not uncommon for companies to value their clients, but the value MedInformatix places on people and personal relationships runs deep, and it’s real. From the minute new clients sign on, MedInformatix begins a collaborative relationship that is equally two-way. The company doesn’t just deliver an EHR solution and say “good luck”; they work alongside customers every step of the way. As the scale and needs of the client’s practice grow, so too does the functionality of their EHR.

MedInformatix was one of the first in the industry to launch a Client Advisory Board initiative. Today, Radiology and Ambulatory chapters advise MedInformatix leadership and product development teams on customer service initiatives, opportunities for new product enhancements and other client-facing matters. Importantly, the board’s deliberations are customer-driven, meaning the only interests served are those of customers. “The concept isn’t revolutionary,” offers McGonigle. “It just hadn’t been done in our space before and the response is overwhelmingly positive.”

Further proof of the partnership is their annual user’s meeting. Every year the company invites customers to join technology, product development and support teams for interactive seminars, training and brainstorming sessions on the latest trends and techniques in the ever-changing EHR space. Collectively they discuss what works, what needs to work better, and how the MedInformatix solution can continue to bring value to client nees. They just wrapped their 2017 gathering in San Diego.

“Our ability to work hand-in-glove with our customers is one of the areas I am most proud of, and it’s one of the things that consistently resonate with clients and prospects alike,” says Pat McGonigle.

Looking to the Future – Data is the Driver

As McGonigle looks to the future, one of the biggest things he sees is the need to make data more accessible and actionable at the practice level so that physicians and patients can benefit fully in the diagnose and treatment of healthcare. Fortunately for MedInformatix, this is one of the key features of their V7.6 platform. McGonigle lights up as he excitedly describes what he calls a Loop of Actionable Data where a practice’s data is surrounded by key stakeholders including physicians, clinicians, administrators and, yes, patients. Everyone has access to the data based on their unique needs and interests. “Since everyone is a part of the loop, everyone wins,” McGonigle says.

MedInformatix also recently launched The EHR Revitalization Project, an initiative designed to pump a new energy and expectation into today’s EHR. The project is just getting off the ground, and MedInformatix intends to roll it out across its client community in the coming year. Identifying new applications and uses of data figures to play a prominent role in this endeavor, too.

“Data will continue to drive the focus of MedInformatix moving forward, no question about it,” offers McGonigle.



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