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New Nymbl App from ACC Supports Senior Adults in Reducing Falls

Nymbl App
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Penny Wilson, 81, felt the unnerving sensation of falling again ten years after a terrifying incident that left her hurt and bleeding. However, she was ready for this one because of a balancing training software.

“None of the bystanders could believe it. They all assumed I was going to land flat on my face,” she said. Nymbl has been utilized by Wilson. The software, which was released last year as a part of ACC’s Live Stronger for Longer initiative, is intended for users over 55 and seeks to improve balance through basic physical exercises and cognitive activities that are customized to each user’s skill level.

“Nymbl has helped me in the garden, with my walking, and given me the confidence to live the life I want,” she stated.

The app is one of several tools that ACC provides to help prevent falls and fractures among New Zealanders, which presently impact one in three over 65 and one in two over 80. “We want the people of New Zealand to understand that falling isn’t a natural part of getting older. “ACC’s Preventable Programme Lead, James Whittaker, stated that they don’t have to occur.

“If we can increase our strength and balance to lessen the likelihood of a fall or injury, we can carry on leading full and active lives and relishing that extra free time. According to research, utilizing the app three times a week for ten minutes each time could minimize injuries associated to falls by approximately thirty percent. good for the health system and each of us individually. Fall-related injuries and falls accounted for 39% of all ACC claims in the previous year. Approximately 192,000 hospital bed days and $345 million in recovery costs resulted from 173,000 new claims from persons over 65.

The software is easy to use, and new features are released frequently. One such feature is Bladdera, a new program created especially to support users with incontinence concerns, which are a major cause of falls among older persons. Wilson practices a variety of balancing exercises that she was previously unable to perform on a regular basis thanks to Nymbl. She is recommending it to others.
“They say you have to perform the bodily motions and the trivia simultaneously for it to become instinctive, and that’s exactly what occurred with my balance. I made the necessary corrections. I simply carried out the task without conscious thought.”

You can use and download the app for free. Look for “Nymbl Training” on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

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