10 Best Diagnostic Solution Providers in 2023

Future Diagnostics: Gifting Transparent, Accurate and Reliable Diagnosis in the IVD Industry
In the contemporary times of the 21 century, success and excellence are marked by effective communication and networking. For any business, this means creating avenues for healthy, transparent, continuous, and instant communication to enable ease of access for its customers. The sequences of this strong...

Issue Profile

Acarix AB | Helen Ljungdahl Round
Acarix: Providing Ease and Peace through Innovative Medical Solutions
Innovation in the healthcare niche means innovation in the complete lifecycle of medical devices from...
AccuGenomics, Inc | Nick Lazaridis
AccuGenomics: A Precision Diagnostics Company That Enables Accurate and Standardized Molecular Tests To Discover The True Underlying Biology From Next-Generation Sequencing
Waking up one morning and discovering that the world is hit by a pandemic virus can be breathtaking,...
Cancer Care AI | Piotr Krajewski
Cancer Care AI: Transitioning Healthcare from a Quagmire to the Future Sustainable
Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds strong reasoning power and independent learning proficiency which...
Imagion Biosystems, Ltd | Bob Proulx
Imagion Biosystems: Providing a 'Breakthrough' Technology to help Transform Cancer Care
Cancer is an ailment that affects the social fabric of millions of families, as it seems to have reached...