10 Specialized Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Providers 2023

Aviv Clinics: TBI & Post-Concussion Syndrome

Treating Long-Term Complications and Improving Quality of Life

Throughout time, scientific discoveries, new understandings and inventions have allowed humans new ways to heal, making them better and stronger. With such dimensions of the scientific community in general and the healthcare community in particular, the human brain remains revered as the most complex,...

Issue Profile

Mitochon Pharmaceuticals
Mitochon Pharmaceuticals: Channeling the Ability of Mitochondria to Create Resilient, Protective Cells in Neurodegeneration and Aging
Mitochon Pharmaceuticals was launched in November 2014 with joint seed money from Ben Franklin Technology...
The Barnes Firm
The Barnes Firm: Personal Injury Attorneys Advocates for Victims of Brain Injury
There’s a good chance that someone you know will be involved in a car accident, pedestrian accident,...
Rehabilitation Institute of Washington
Rehabilitation Institute of Washington PLLC: Empowering Recovery, Transforming Lives
When caring for a patient recovering from traumatic brain injury, patient-centeredness and compassion...