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According to the CDC, this season’s flu vaccine provided “substantial protection” across all age groups

Flu| substantial protection

During this influenza season, the flu shot provided “substantial protection” for all age groups, including the elderly and immunocompromised populations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


In the 2022-2023 season, Individuals who received the influenza vaccination were very well guarded against “inpatient, emergency unit, and primary care illness in people of all ages.” according to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

“These findings demonstrate that flu vaccination can provide significant protection against flu and its possible serious complications,” the agency said.

One of the studies cited in the presentation found that the influenza vaccine was 45% effective against the predominant virus in children. In previous seasons, this rate was around 30%, according to the CDC.

According to trends, adults were 44% less likely to visit the ER and 39% less likely to be admitted for a flu-related illness or complication. Adults were only 25% less likely to be hospitalized or visit emergency departments and urgent care centers during the 2021-2022 season with the previous vaccine.

Researchers state the vaccine’s effectiveness among people over 65 and the immunocompromised population, two groups more likely to get a severe flu illness and have a lower immune response to the vaccine.

Final Note

The 2022-2023 flu virus peaked in November and early December, with about 26% of positive tests. The percentage of positive cases is now around 1.7%. Hospitalizations for influenza have also decreased.

While the number of flu patients has decreased, the CDC reported that influenza activity this season was higher and more damaging than in the previous two seasons. There were 111 influenza-related deaths among children.

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