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Artificial Intelligence on the front lines in the war against COVID-19

Artificial Intelligence on the front lines in the war against COVID-19

Artificial Intelligence can be described as the science and engineering used to make intelligent machines and computer programs that are capable of imitating the behaviour of the human mind.

Machine Learning on the other hand is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that caters to the designing and implementation of algorithms that are able to accumulate data from past events and compare them in order to come to a conclusion and solve certain problems.

The growth of Artificial Intelligence has come a long way and has made us more reliant on technology in today’s world.

Specially during the present situation concerning the world-wide coronavirus pandemic. We have come to be highly dependent on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning during these times of crisis and chaos.

Various AI applications are being used to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and are so far proving to be quite successful.

Some of these applications are:

Prediction and tracking of cases

Artificial Intelligence is being successfully used to predict the spread of the virus and the most vulnerable locations while also tracking the speed of transmission. It is using social media platforms, calls and news sites to extract information and develop early warning systems and predict the morbidity and mortality rate. The data collected by AI helps curb the spread of the virus and also improves to mortality rates.

The different mathematical models developed by AI that are used to study the transmission rate of COVID-19 are:

  • SIR Model (Susceptible, Infections and Recovered)
  • GLEaM Model (Global Epidemic and Mobility)
  • TRANSIMS Model (Transportation Analysis and Simulation)
  • IBM Model (Individual Based Model)

In the same context, AI is also used in certain mobile applications and there in betters it by allowing those devices to be able to trace the contacts, diagnose and even monitoring of COVID-19.

Monitoring COVID-19 cases

AI techniques are used in the monitoring of patients in certain clinical settings and deriving different treatment course. Data derived from clinical parameters and vital statistics help provide information for the purpose of decision making and allocation of resources like respiratory systems and ventilators by prioritizing their requirements in Intensive Care Untis.

In addition to predicting the course of treatment, AI is also used to provide daily updates, storage and trend analysis while also being able to put forward a prediction of recovery or mortality rates in different COVID-19 patients.

Early Diagnosis

The development in AI and Machine Learning is now aiding with the detection and quantification of COVID-19 in patients by using CT scans and X-rays.

Multiple models have been developed using AI by researchers to differentiate between different chest and lung diseases like COVID-19 and pneumonia. At the same time other models help with depicting the level of infection caused by the virus and help predict certain specialised locations that need to be treated and their processes.

Certain start-ups and platforms are using AI developed systems to be able to detect the symptoms of the virus in people without the requirement of them having to step outside. Some systems also enable you to self-assess your systems and in turn can track your recovery and help control the spread of the virus. These systems have proven to be time and cost efficient while also helping the healthcare community by reducing the time and work load. It also aids the healthcare community by allowing them to deal with a larger population at the same time and therefore to tackle the spread of the virus in a more effective and efficient way.

Reducing the burden on healthcare community

AI developed systems has successfully managed to reduce the load on medical practitioners and healthcare personnel. This is being done by:

  • Taking different processes like training, determining the mode of treatment and care required, and making them automatic through the process of data analysis and pattern recognition.
  • Digitalisation of patients records.
  • Minimizing the physical contact with patients.
  • Classification of patients according to the severity of the disease, their genetical structures etc., which help with making the diagnosing process faster.

In addition to that AI in telemedicine or AI based chat-bots are also being used to reduce the unnecessary crowding and visitations to hospitals by patients with mild symptoms or who are asymptomatic. Their diagnosis can usually just be done over the phone or over relevant platforms.

Robots with an AI core are also being used to help with specific deliveries or the cleaning and disinfecting of hospital areas, therefore reducing the burden on healthcare personnel.

Predicting important protein structures and developing vaccines

AIs are being used to help predict important protein structures that are imperative for the purposes of preventing the entry of the virus and its replication. It also provides relevant information that can be used make medications used for the treatment of the virus and certain conditions caused by it.

Considering present situations, the search for a hardcore vaccine that can combat the global coronavirus pandemic has been of utmost priority. Artificial Intelligence has been playing a major role in the process of accelerating the discovery of the vaccine.

This is being done by a process of computational analysis which helps making the process of drug, treatment and vaccine development faster, cost-effective and more efficient.

Curbing the spread of misinformation

During the pandemic and the crisis it has created, what has added to the chaos is the spread of misinformation through various social media platforms. Different methods to treat COVID-19 that may not actually be helpful and other information that creates havoc is being spread all over social media platforms. This can be dangerous and to help curb this spread pf misinformation and curtail it is where AI and Machine Learning comes in.

Social media is now using privatized technology to help control the spread of wrong and unnecessary information. AI and Machine Learning techniques are being used to provide information on the origin and source of the misinformation that is being provided and therefore can be nipped in the bud then and there.

AI is also being used to provide genuine information and data with respect to the ongoing coronavirus; the mortality rate, the recovery rate, the treatments, essentials, etc.

In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence has always played a vital role in the health industry and is now playing a vital role in helping the world deal with the cruel coronavirus pandemic. It has managed to become a major part of our lives and now is also aiding in saving our lives.



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