Australia's Top 10 Influential Leaders in 2023

Jennifer Chow: Bringing the Promise of Cell Therapy to Cure Cancer
Meet Jennifer Chow, the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Chimeric Therapeutics, a cutting-edge biotech company revolutionizing the field of cell therapy. With a passion for developing life-saving treatments for patients in need, Jennifer has led Chimeric Therapeutics to become a leader...

Issue Profile

Respiri Limited | Marjan Mikel | CEO MD
Marjan Mikel: Supporting the Management of Chronic Respiratory Conditions
Generally, those who suffer from respiratory disorders such as asthma or COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary...
SomnoMed com | Neil Verdal Austin | CEO
Neil Verdal Austin: Innovating a Pathway to Better Sleep
The healthcare sector in the United States, as well as other developing countries, is in need of help....
Beamtree | Tim Kelsey | CEO
Tim Kelsey: A Data-Driven Leader Committed to the Betterment of Healthcare
With an ideology that “Better data means better healthcare – and in healthcare, better has no limit,”...