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Clinergy Health Research: Providing Synergic Solutions for win-win Outcomes

Tiago M D da Silva | Clinergy Health Research
CLINERGY Health Research

The Healthcare industry usually faces problems to bridge the gap to solve the problems promptly, and isn’t it something that should be taken care of?

Acknowledging these concerns of filling up the operational gaps and solving the problems in a timely manner, Clinergy Health Research has solutions to a variety of managerial issues while also providing a full revamp of all the health care processes.

Having this problem-solving approach and abundant experience, Tiago M D da Silva, Managing Director, has scientific and management knowledge to enhance the operational experience and deliver superior results.

In an interview with Insights Care, Mr. da Silva talks about Clinergy roles and how it is making a significant difference through its solutions into the healthcare niche.

Please brief our audience about Clinergy Health Research, its USPs, and how it is positioned as a reliable name in the CRO sector?

Clinergy is a CRO, but we always like to highlight that our “C” stands for “Collaborative” rather than “Contract,” and, while for some people, that might look like a small detail, it makes all the difference.

Being a Collaborative Research Organization means that our structure, processes, values, and people are fully focused on long-term value-adding partnerships rather than on short-term transactional relationships with clients.

Such a mindset allows us to truly embrace our clients´ vision and ways of working. We act as an extension of their team, focusing on what matters to them while feeling empowered to “run the extra mile” to deliver operational excellence.

This is now more important than ever as we see what has been happing to the CRO environment over the past two decades, with so many mergers and acquisitions resulting in huge CROs with inflated structures (and costs) that surely can still serve a set of substantial clients but no longer fits to serve small biotechs, pharma companies and healthcare start-ups given their very particular needs in terms of costs, flexibility, sense of urgency and attention.

Unlike most CROs, our key driver is not related to short-term financial goals. However, long-term customer satisfaction and we bring that to daily life through the way we shape our KPIs, quality control strategies, and risk-based thinking in everything we do. Another element that brings our unique mindset to life is the fact that we have made a conscious decision not to have a business development/sales team.

Whenever clients reach out to us looking for our services, they get to talk directly with our team of medical doctors, pharmacists, nurses, biologists who will be directly involved in the client´s clinical trial/project, most of whom have been on clinical development for 15, 20+ years.

At the end of the day, science comes first in everything we do so that we can achieve our mission of “helping health innovation reaching patients faster.”

Shed some light on your offerings and how they impact the CRO industry as well as your clients. How your company provides research services to various organizations?

The value we add as strategic partners to our clients is much more a result of our focus on the “how” rather than on the “what.” We are equipped to provide end-to-end planning solutions, conducting and reporting clinical trials from site feasibility and selection to project management, regulatory submissions, risk-based monitoring, data management, statistics, medical writing, among others. However, the means we utilize to deliver are essential.

We are very meticulous when it comes down to understanding what delivery methods can fit each client better so that we can offer cost-effective solutions tailored to each of them without having to choose between cost and efficiency and without trying to push “over the top” solutions only to justify we have them.

While we rely on state-of-the-art tech solutions to plan and manage trials efficiently, our secret sauce is our people, no question about it. As we like to say, Clinergy is all about “humanology and technology for high-performance clinical development.”

What are the core values upon which Clinergy Health Research is built? What is the vision and mission of your organization?

Our values are built upon elements that are key to delivering operational excellence with a high focus on the human aspects that are effective in how we deliver it daily. They are a sense of urgency, entrepreneurship, efficiency, caring for others, integrity, and passion.

We all know how hard and costly it is to put health innovation into the hands of those who needed it, and, as scientists, there is nothing more disappointing than inefficiencies playing a role in that. Our mission of “helping health innovation reaching patients faster” reminds us that we should always be acting as catalysts so that we add real value to the innovation chain.

Mr Tiago, please tell us about your professional tenure in the CRO Industry.

Before founding CLINERGY, I have fulfilled different clinical operations roles, including leading the Global Clinical Research Operations for medicinal products within a UK-based FTSE 100 consumer health company.

I had the pleasure to spend the last 17 years driving and delivering strategic projects for companies such as Novartis, Abbott, Eli Lilly, and Reckitt Benckiser, helping patients have access to value-adding medicines and health innovation across multiple geographic locations.

Having lived and worked in both hemispheres on either side of the Atlantic, I have acquired an intimate appreciation of the cultural and regulatory differences that truly impact global clinical research.

Being an experienced leader, share your opinion on how modern technologies have impacted the CRO sector. How has Clinergy Health Research incorporated such technologies into its daily operations?

Clinical development has benefited a great deal from new tech solutions over the past 15 years, most notably over the past decade. CROs have a key role in making innovative solutions available to their clients by utilizing data-driven solutions to reduce operational complexity, make better-informed decisions around study design, monitor workforce assignment, and conduct remote trials.

At Clinergy, we can embed various levels of technology according to each trial´ needs, from eTMFs that count on machine learning to automate document filling to high-tech risk-based study execution solutions that cave save up to 40% of monitoring costs.

What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the CRO space?

Setting yourself to be able to act as a partner to companies that operate in one of the most regulated environments out there is no easy task; people should know. The most important point I would highlight to those considering entering this space is: to make sure the core values which you believe will set our company apart from other players are genuinely embedded in daily operations. All the rest is easily available to anyone else. In an expensive and complex market such as clinical development, the cost is certainly not part of the top three decision factors for most companies as they know how much more expensive it could be to have an entire clinical trial failing due to operational flaws compared to paying a bit more to have a partner who can deliver high standards by their side.

How do you envision scaling your organization’s operations and offerings in 2022 and beyond?

We have a clear view when it comes down to our growth expectations. Although the demand is very high, we have no interest in growing at any cost as we know the dangers that come with that. We suffer no external pressure to deliver better financial results every quarter as a privately held company. That allows us to entirely focus on customer satisfaction based on high-quality and high-performance output as key drivers. We have been growing steadily, and we plan to keep a close eye on the balance between growth and excellence.

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