Europe’s Most Innovative Medical Device Companies of 2023

Morpheus AG: Maximizing Safety, Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Operating Room through Next-Gen Medical Technology
Technology is fast changing the world for the better. And surgical rooms are not separate from it. Today, surgical rooms have incorporated the innovative support of technology for attaining their core objective: patient safety. It is known for delivering safer, more efficient and faster surgical processes....

Issue Profile

HJÄLPMEDELSTEKNIK SVERIGE AB | Lars Akerman | ceo | The Swedish Assistive Technology Group
The Swedish Assistive Technology Group: Enhancing Independence for Physical Disabilities
In this effort of improving the quality of life and providing independence to millions of individuals...
iCellate Medical AB | Pelle Redare | ceo
iCellate Medical AB: Reducing Cancer Mortality Through Early Detection & Actionable Cancer Profiling
In a world where cancer incidence continues to rise, the urgency to transform its management into a survivable...
Scandinavian ChemoTech AB (publ) | Mohan S Frick Suhail Sayeed Mufti
Scandinavian ChemoTech: The Impact of Oncology Technology on Patient Care
Human intelligence has reached a stage where we are developing technology to treat diseases we thought...
CathVision: On a Mission to Help Physicians Cure Cardiac Arrhythmia 
Harnessing cutting-edge technologies have revolutionized the healthcare landscape and are poised to redefine...