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First Coronavirus Vaccine Revealed by Russia

First Coronavirus Vaccine Revealed by Russia | COVID-19 vaccine

Russia is all set to launch the world’s first coronavirus vaccine. It plans to register the COVID-19 vaccine on August 12 and then use it to vaccinate everyone to give them a shield immunity against the novel coronavirus. Russia’s Health Ministry has confirmed that the vaccine will be registered this week. Ahead of the all-important launch head of the lab it is manufactured in has thrown some light on how the vaccine will be working.

Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Research Institute (where the vaccine has been manufactured), Moscow, has said that the vaccine used inanimate particles created on the basis of adenovirus.

“The particles and objects that can reproduce their own kind are the ones that are considered alive. The particles in question cannot multiply,” he said.

“Some people naturally have a fever when the immune system of the person being vaccinated receives a powerful boost but this “side-effect” can easily be overcome by taking paracetamol,” he further added.

Russia’s Health Minister Mikhail Murashko has already said that medical workers could be administrated the vaccine as early as this month itself.

Industrial production of the vaccine is likely to begin in September after will a mass vaccination campaign will be launched across the country in October to vaccinate everyone. (Source : indiatvnews)



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