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From Cancer to Diabetes: “Non-Communicable Diseases to be Tackled Effectively,” Suggests the UN


(For every two seconds, one person dies of non-communicable diseases such as cancer, respiratory, diabetes and heart diseases).

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), as per the UN health agency, are reported to outnumber infectious diseases, hence labelled as “top killers globally.” “It cannot be assumed that the NCDs are only a problem of high-income countries,” says Bente Mikkelsen, the director of NCDs at WHO, as 855 of those take place in lower and middle-incomed countries.

Comprehending Patterns and Trends

NCDs have experienced one of the greatest development challenges of this century, as the World Health Organization (WHO) states. When counting numbers, the NCDs account for three-quarters of death globally, summing up to 41 million lives each year.

Through a country-specific data portal, government and health authorities of approximately 194 countries are able to comprehend the potential risk factors and threats associated with the NCDs. These specifically involve – cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and chronic respiratory diseases alongside risk factors such as unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity and tobacco.

Use of the portal has benefitted countries globally, as it demonstrates trends and patterns, while comparing data across geographical regions.

An Opportunity to Reducing Early Deaths

The 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goal aims to target a reduction of early deaths caused by NCDs for up to one-third of the total death percentage. However, only a few countries are able to keep track of their target.

Interestingly, NCDs, at present, have become a prime opportunity for countries to invest further. It certainly reflects an impact on economic growth, while outweighing the money invested.

Preventive Measures

Addressing the concerns of rising NCDs, the chief of WHO, at a New York event has called the global leaders to take urgent action. Michael Bloomberg, the Global Ambassador of WHO for NCDs added, “While we continue to respond to the pandemic, we have understood the clinical importance of addressing risks associated with the non-communicable diseases.”

He further addressed the countries, suggesting, “NCDs can be prevented if we manage to invest into proven and cost-effective interventions.” Only then could the nations together be successful in reducing the risks of any associated non communicable disease.



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