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Greece’s First Case of Hepatitis Has Been Identified in a 14-Month-Old Baby


A case of hepatitis in a youngster was discovered in Heraklion (Crete).

It is being researched to see if it is linked to other occurrences of inflammatory liver disorders reported worldwide.

According to Cretapost, the 14-month-old boy was just diagnosed with coronavirus. It all started, according to reports, when the boy developed hepatitis symptoms, prompting his parents to take him to a pediatrician. The doctor noted an enlarged liver and immediately requested the required tests, fearful that this was the same instance of acute infectious hepatitis that has been reported recently in other countries.

According to tests, transaminase levels have risen dramatically, but they are still below the threshold for anxiety and hospitalization. The attending physicians are keeping a tight eye on the baby. The investigation into whether this instance is suspicious due to acute hepatitis, which is common in British children, has already commenced.

Scientists briefed them on his health and urged ongoing monitoring, according to the cretapost website. If the child’s transaminases reach or exceed 500, they must be admitted to the hospital’s infectious diseases department.



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