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Largest-ever Study on COVID Vaccines Linked the vaccine with Slight Rise in Heart and Brain Conditions


In the largest COVID vaccine study to date, researchers from the Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) in New Zealand analyzed data from 99 million vaccinated individuals across eight countries. They monitored for increases in 13 different medical conditions following COVID vaccination. Published in the journal Vaccine last week, the study revealed a slight association between the vaccine and neurological, blood, and heart-related medical conditions, according to a press release from GVDN.

Individuals who received certain types of mRNA vaccines were found to have a heightened risk of myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle. Moreover, some viral-vector vaccines were associated with an elevated risk of blood clots in the brain and an increased likelihood of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by the immune system attacking the nerves. Additionally, potential risks included inflammation of a segment of the spinal cord following viral-vector vaccines, as well as inflammation and swelling in the brain and spinal cord following both viral-vector and mRNA vaccines, as stated in the press release.

Kristýna Faksová, the lead author from the Department of Epidemiology Research at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark, highlighted, “The extensive population size in this study heightened the ability to identify rare potential vaccine safety signals.”

“Individual sites or regional areas are unlikely to possess a sufficiently large population to detect extremely rare signals,” noted Dr. Marc Siegel, clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and a medical contributor to Fox News, who was not involved in the research but offered commentary on the findings.

“The extensive study and data review reveal some rare associations between mRNA vaccines and myocarditis, particularly following the second dose, as well as a connection between the Oxford AstraZeneca adenovirus vector vaccines and Guillain-Barre syndrome,” he informed Fox News Digital.

“However,” he emphasized, “these risks are rare, and other studies indicate that the vaccine significantly reduces the risk of myocarditis associated with COVID itself.”

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