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Regular exercise after a long break: Here’s how to ease back

Regular exercise after a long break

If you haven’t followed your exercise routine throughout the COVID-19 pandemic you are not alone. The stress and uncertainty of the future added to the closed gyms and public parks made it difficult for many physically active individuals and fitness enthusiasts to stay true to their fitness regime. The limitations are even more seen in COVID survivors.

However, with the COVID-19 vaccines rolling out across the world showing their positive effect has brought a hope of coming out of the pandemic. Also, various reports and health experts advocating and reminding the importance of regular exercise to improve immunity has been enough encouragement for many.

As you decide to get back to your exercise routine fitness experts want you to exercise these cautionary steps to avoid injury.

  • Manage your expectations and accept the need to start slow.
  • Start with interval sessions or low-impact exercises to let your body ease back to routine.
  • Start with the activities that you enjoy more, for example, running or yoga, to keep yourself motivated.

These tips will help you ease back to your exercise routine while avoiding injury and having a positive effect on your health and fitness.



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