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Seasonal Allergy Woes: Why They’re Starting Earlier and How to Get Rid of It

Seasonal Allergy Woes: Why They're Starting Earlier and How to Get Rid of It

You’re walking through a blooming garden, enjoying the smells of spring, when all of a sudden, your eyes start to water and your nose starts to itch. You have got seasonal allergies—and it seems like they’re starting earlier and earlier every year.

As climate change continues to alter our weather patterns, seasonal allergies are becoming more and more common, and the pollen season is lasting longer than ever. While this can be frustrating, there is hope! With the right strategies and knowledge, you can manage your allergies—no matter what time of year they hit.

In this article, we will look at why seasonal allergies have been occurring earlier in recent years and share some tips on how to find relief from your symptoms.

What Are Seasonal Allergies and Why They Can Start Earlier

Do you know why you’re sneezing more than usual? That’s because seasonal allergies can start earlier than ever. But what exactly are seasonal allergies and why are they coming earlier every year?

In short, seasonal allergies happen when your immune system overreacts to harmless things in the environment, like pollen or mold spores. You might experience itchy eyes, a runny nose and sneezing. And yes, there’s a reason why you’re feeling them sooner in the season: climate change.

Climate change is causing temperatures to increase, which allows plants to release their pollen sooner. It also encourages more frequent and fierce rainstorms that cause more mold spores to circulate in the air—another common allergy trigger. The end result is a longer allergy season with worse symptoms, so it pays not to take your seasonal sniffles lightly!

What Factors Contribute to Seasonal Allergies

For many, seasonal allergies come around like clockwork—but in recent years, they seem to be starting earlier than ever. So, what gives?

It turns out there are a few key factors contributing to this shift:

  • Climate Change: With temperatures across the world changing and becoming more extreme, plants like ragweed and grass are now flowering earlier than before.
  • Air Pollution: Air pollution from things like car exhaust and industrial waste increases allergens in the air by making them more potent. This can affect when your allergies kick off and make them worse once they do start.
  • Location: Depending on where you live, you may have noticed that your seasonal allergies seem to start at different times of year—or that they’ve increased in intensity over time. That is because climate affects when plants bloom in different parts of the world, so reactions vary geographically as well.

Knowing what causes your sneezing and sniffling can go a long way towards finding relief—so if your sniffles seem to come around earlier every year, these could be some of the culprits.

Understanding the Role of Climate Change in Allergies

Climate change could be a major culprit in those seasonal allergy woes. A study published in Nature Climate Change found that the pollination season was an average of 20 days longer than it had been a couple of decades ago. It’s thought that rising temperatures created by global warming are causing plants to bloom sooner, and for longer periods of time.

That means more pollen in the air, which can exacerbate symptoms for people with pollen allergies like sneezing, wheezing and watery eyes. For people already living with seasonal allergies, it may feel like their suffering never ends!

But it does not have to be this way. There are some things you can do to proactively protect yourself from the worst effects of climate change-driven allergens. Here are some ideas:

  1. Close windows and doors when allergens are at their peak
  2. Invest in a good air filter and replace it regularly
  3. Take any prescription medication as prescribed
  4. Consider immunotherapy if nothing else is working
  5. Speak to your doctor about potential steps you can take

If more proactive steps aren’t helping, then it might be time to consider taking medications or speaking to an allergist about getting tested for immunotherapy—it’s a process where your body is slowly exposed to allergen proteins so that your immune system eventually builds up a tolerance and you become less sensitive to the allergies over time.

Natural Remedies for Dealing with Allergies

You may have heard about natural remedies for dealing with allergies, but you might not know how these can help reduce seasonal allergies. From nasal sprays to herbal remedies, there are plenty of ways to find relief.

Nasal Sprays

Using a nasal spray can help reduce inflammation in your nasal passages and flush out pollen, mold and other allergens. Look for a natural spray that is free from preservatives or other additives, as these can make allergic symptoms worse.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are safe and can be used alongside conventional allergy treatments like antihistamines. Popular herbs used to reduce allergy symptoms include butterbur, nettle leaf, and chamomile. You can take them in capsule form or make them into tea or tincture.

Vitamin supplements

Certain vitamins such as vitamin C and E have been shown to support the immune system and help with reducing allergies. You can also try local honey as an added supplement—the idea is that by ingesting small amounts of pollen from local sources in the form of honey, you’ll become desensitized to the allergens in your area!

By combining some of these natural remedies with conventional treatments like antihistamines, you can find relief from seasonal allergies and stop them from starting earlier than usual.


All in all, the surge of seasonal allergies is evidence of a changing climate and is a problem that needs to be addressed. Start paying attention to the environment around you, and if you find yourself developing symptoms of allergies, there are plenty of natural and over-the-counter remedies available to lessen the experience.

Though the effects may be annoying and even awkward for some, the start of seasonal allergies does not have to ruin your life. Taking preventive measures and having a good understanding of what is causing your symptoms can help you manage your allergies with ease. With the right strategies in place, you can enjoy the season—even with allergies.

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