Top 5 Most Trusted Lyme Disease Treatment Providers - 2024

Forum Health: Empowering Clinicians, Optimizing Health and Redefining Healthcare
Treating an illness at its core requires a comprehensive understanding of the human mind and body that goes beyond mere symptoms. This pursuit of effective, complete solutions to chronic conditions has given rise to integrative and functional medicine. These approaches dive into the root causes of ailments,...

Issue Profile

Erika Jordan | Hyperbaric Director andErika Jordan | Hyperbaric Director and Founder | Hyperbaric Healing Treatment Center Founder
Hyperbaric Healing Treatment Center: Tailored Treatment for Lyme Disease
The healthcare sector’s vast scope allows for a diverse range of treatment options tailored to individual...


Stanislav Ostapenko | Director of Communications | EURORDIS-Rare Diseases
From Awareness to Action: Rare Disease Day-A Global Movement for Equity
This year on 29 February, the rarest day on the calendar, the rare disease community comes together to...