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An Outline of Food Sensitivity and How to Deal with It

Food Sensitivity

Dealing with the body’s adverse reactions to certain foods can be among the most painful and unpleasant experiences. While some folks may recover from the shock, their bodies undergo when consuming edibles that do not suit them, others suffer for a prolonged period.

Therefore, testing for food sensitives beforehand to determine which eatables to eliminate from the diet can help people deal effectively with severe reactions. It can enable them to enjoy other foodstuffs that their bodies are less likely to reject, leading to more fulfilled lives.

Folks who know little about food sensitivity will find the following short review of some of its critical aspects helpful.

It is Not the Same as a Food Allergy

Statistics show that the root cause of several allergens remains unknown for various reasons, one of which is the less number of people opting to get tested for them. But it is important to know which foods the body has a negative reaction to if you want to lead a healthy life.

However, being intolerant or sensitive to a particular edible is not the same as being allergic. Allergic reactions to any food occur when the immune system rejects the edible consumed. On the other hand, intolerance or sensitivity is when the reaction occurs in the digestive system or gut.

Typical symptoms of an allergic response include hives, anaphylactic shock, swelling, rashes, etc. Sensitivity generally leads to nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, bloating, cramps, diarrhea, etc. So, you can identify if you are allergic or intolerant to a particular item depending on the symptoms.

Food Sensitivity Test

While one cannot say for sure which eatables cause intolerance in people, most are sensitive to lactose and casein found in milk. Also, many folks are hypersensitive to gluten, which is typically found in wheat, barley, and rye. Besides these common ones, testing for food sensitives to determine if your body is intolerant to any other edible is highly pivotal.

You can opt for the IgG test to help doctors identify specific triggers of such detrimental responses in the human body. Moreover, it is an excellent test type in cases with a delayed reaction, wherein the body reacts to the disagreeable edible hours or even days after initial consumption. Experts recommend that people consume as many varieties of potentially intolerant edibles as possible two weeks before the test to check each food source thoroughly.

Doctors use the IgG test results to craft a specific diet for people with severe intolerances, helping them eliminate the particular foods that lead to unpleasant and antagonistic consequences.

Find a Reliable Lab

It is critical to find a licensed, experienced, and reputable medical laboratory to get your IgG tests done correctly and timely. Ideally, look for a professional entity allowing you to book the test online at a convenient time, download the results in a secure format, and have your medical practitioner explain them to you.

Generally, reliable service providers ensure the test is done immediately, and the results are handed over within ten to twelve business days.

Finally, opt for a facility covering various other categories such as cardiovascular health, hormonal issues, oncology, mental health, gut health, etc. Moreover, some reputable test labs will assist you in finding a legitimate and able practitioner if you need one.

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