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Coronavirus update: India overtakes Spain, becomes 5th highest in world

The total number of Covid 19 caseloads in India crossed over Spain on Saturday to become the world’s fifth-largest. On the day, the fresh infections crossed the country 10,000 for the first time. There have been 297 deaths, the highest daily death toll of the virus to date.
The number of coronavirus cases in India crossed 2.46.549 late on Saturday night after Spain had overtaken 2.41.310 during the day. Currently, the only highest cases recorded in the United States are 19,06,060 cases (Brazil, 6,14,941), Russia, (4,58,102), and the United Kingdom (2,86,294).

As cases continue to rise, India can take consolation because at the same time as Brazil, Spain, and the United Kingdom the death toll is much lower. Even at the same point, in the six worst-hit countries, Russia and the US were subject to a lower rate (around 2,4 lakh).

India’s daily Covid-19 count surpassed five-digit cases on Saturday, passing the previous high reported by 9,651 on Thursday. Even the mortality rate was two cases higher than the previous 295 average, reported a day earlier, according to data gathered from government agencies. In India, 6,939 deaths from the virus have been reported, translating to a fatality rate of 2,8%.



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