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England offers COVID-19 Vaccine to Younger Children

COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine to Children

British officials made a long-waited announcement, all children aged between five to 11 will be offered the COVID-19 vaccine, which will start from April month.

Children are expected to get vaccine shots at pharmacies, general practitioners, and vaccine centre’s rather than schools. The offering of vaccine to younger children is to protect rare case against the virus illness in advance and future potential coronavirus wave.

“Parents can, if they want, take up the offer to increase protection against potential future waves of COVID-19 as we learn to live with this virus,” said Health Secretary, Sajid Javid.

England has already scrapped all the restrictions such as mandatory face masks and vaccine pass in large events. Around 85 percent of 12 and older population in United Kingdom is fully vaccinated until now.



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