A medication would be quickly taken off the market if it could increase metabolism, aid in weight loss, reduce inflammation, and provide a longer, happier life.
However, as expert bariatric surgeon Andrew Jenkinson notes, there is such a drug, and we all utilize it on a daily basis.
“This elixir of life already exists – it is called food,” he argues. “But be careful—this “medicine” can also swing the other way, resulting in weight gain, obesity, diabetes, inflammation, allergies, and general unhappiness.
“It can disrupt your reward circuits, give you an unnatural high, and cause addictions and the development of unhealthy habits, which ultimately become you, just like any other addictive substance.”
Although many individuals are obsessed with calorie monitoring, Jenkinson, a London-based specialist in laparoscopic surgeries and weight loss surgery, thinks that the effects of food on the body and brain are more significant than calorie counting. He is adamant that people might live healthier lives far more simply if they treated food like drugs, classifying some meals as “toxic” and others as “medicinal.”
“Your weight and health are more important than the calories in your food,” he maintains. “What matters is not what the food does to your body, but rather what it does to your brain.”Your whole perspective on food will shift once you realize that it functions similarly to drugs and that these drugs can be harmful or medicinal. Equipped with this understanding, you will own the means to unlock a healthy life, freeing you from the need for self-control, as you will inherently develop a craving for nutritious food once you realize the impact of food on your body.
The surgeon argues that various food ingredients transmit messages that are received by the body similarly to medications. He has detailed his beliefs about how food affects us in his new book, How to Eat (And Still Lose Weight). “These signals, not the calories in the food, are what cause someone’s weight to change dramatically,” he claims.
Jenkinson says that once someone accepts the idea that food is like a drug, they must discover which foods are excellent “drugs” and which ones are bad. This alters our entire mentality around eating; we begin to identify as someone who leads a healthy lifestyle. This kind of change is more enjoyable, amenable to enthusiastic adoption, and not dependent solely on willpower.”
Read More: https://insightscare.com/