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Lexington International LLC: A Leading Name in the Medical Aesthetics Industry

David Michaels | Lexington International LLC
David Michaels, Founder of Lexington’s flagship brand, HairMax

Medical Aesthetics caters to the treatment of the cosmetic appearances of patients, dealing with skin, hair, etc. The medical aesthetic industry can fit in between the beauty industry and plastic surgery.

There are a number of qualified professionals that can change and improve your appearance in quite a few ways and methods. However, these professionals need to be properly trained qualified and have a very specific skillset in order to perform a top notch and proper job.

Aesthetic medicine represents a modernised and completely different, edge cutting advancement in the medical industry which is constantly and rapidly growing. Their methods and the results have been proven to work.

While intensively taking on the topic for our edition titled, World’s 10 Best Companies in Medical Aesthetics Industry, 2021, we did an exclusive interview with Lexington International LLC, a low-level laser company committed towards innovating home-use devices for the health and well-being of consumers.

In the following interview, David Michaels, Founder of Lexington’s flagship brand HairMax, shares with us in detail about the company’s journey in the Medical Aesthetics Industry and his opinions about the market that the company caters to along with the products and services they provide.

Below are the highlights of the interview:

Please brief our audience about your company, its mission, and the key aspects of its stronghold within the medical aesthetics niche.

Lexington International LLC is a low-level laser company innovating home-use devices to enrich the health and well-being of consumers. Our flagship brand HairMax is safe and effective for treating Androgenetic alopecia in both males and females.

Till date we have conducted seven clinical studies with an ‘n’ of 470 and have achieved 8 FDA (510K) Clearances and 14 international medical device licenses. We created the category of home use laser therapy for hair growth and hair health.

Tell us more about your products which make your company stand out from the competition?

We have committed significant funds towards R&D, clinical research, and innovation. We have revolutionized the hair loss industry by creating the most efficacious and user-friendly medical devices for hair growth on the market.

Our wide range of devices; ‘Laser Combs’, ‘Laser Bands’ and ‘Laser Caps’, are designed to meet the specific hair loss needs of the user. Our IP is focused on hair parting teeth on Laser Combs and Band devices, which provides an unobstructed path to the hair follicle and thus increasing dose absorption and benefits.


What is your opinion on the impact of the current pandemic on the global healthcare sector, and what challenges did you face during the initial phase of the pandemic?

At first, we were concerned that e-commerce would have stalled during the pandemic, but to our surprise, sales-maintained momentum and actually increased. It has been reported that many people who tested positive with COVID 19, experienced excessive hair loss about 2 months after recovery.

While HairMax is indicated toward treating Androgenic alopecia (pattern hair loss), people with COVID 19 related hair loss have chosen to try HairMax to help return their hair health. The biggest challenge that we faced was importing from Asia where cargo space was limited and shipping costs when is the next set of three times normal amount.

As an established leader, what would be your advice to the budding entrepreneurs and enthusiasts aspiring to venture into the medical aesthetics industry?

We would recommend budding entrepreneurs and enthusiast, to be very careful who they retain in the medical arena. It is critical to understand the meaning of good clinical practices and recruiting those who are experts in the field of Research as opposed to KOL without much research experience.

We would also recommend choosing your clinical research facilities wisely and understand that if you work with the University there are unforeseen delays and other processes which will greatly extend the time for research.

In addition, anyone entering the medical aesthetic arena, should have a solidly identified Unique Selling Proposition, to allow the features of their products to stand out from the competition.

How do you envision on scaling your company’s operations and offerings in 2021?

We have further committed to R&D and a continuation of innovation. We’re looking to disrupt two more medical categories and are in the midst of clinical studies right now.

Provide us with details regarding the awards and recognition that your company has achieved since inception.

Since inception, by publishing 6 peer reviewed clinical papers, including one of the clinical papers authored by some of the leading experts in diseases of hair, we have come to be recognized as ‘the standard’ in the treatment of hereditary hair loss.

This paper has been cited over 150 times by other authors on the subject ‘laser treatment of hair loss’, and we have been recognized as an expert source of information. We have received the Presidential E Award, acknowledging our exports and international trade.

HairMax was also highlighted in Time Magazine’s Inventions of the Year and received numerous beauty awards, including ‘Hair Loss Fighter of the Future’, ‘Most Effective Hair Loss Product’ and ‘Best at Home Hair Loss Treatment’.

About the Leader

HairMax Founder, David Michaels experienced excessive hair loss and was introduced to the concept of low-level laser therapy potential in treating his hair disorders. Immediately his hair loss stopped, and he grew back most of his hair. He became so impressed with the technology that he decided to develop a home-use device to market to the international marketplace.

From there he established a medical device company in Boca Raton FL. Till date the company has manufactured close to 1.9 million devices and has exported to over 160 countries.



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