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Medical Images Sharing via QR Codes

Medical images sharing via QR Codes

Medical images

Films/CDs will soon become things of the past, as New York based Ramapo Radiology Associates in collaboration with a vendor Novarad created a novel CryptoChart technology to share medical images with referring physicians and patients using a simple encrypted QR code rather than time consuming CD, email, or unsecure USB or expensive outsourcing options, which the healthcare facility considered before choosing this cost efficient, secure and quickest method.

The tech solution first receives medical reports and images from any PACS, DICOM modality or HL7-compliant e-health record, which are then compressed and encrypted before passing them on to Object Vault Cloud Systems – which is based on AES-256 for image storing and HTTPS transit security against brute force attack – of Novarad for storage.

A printer in the network then receives an encrypted and sharable code from the Object Vault Cloud Systems, which patients can then scan as a printed QR code via their mobile or PC and further share the images.

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