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Technology and Innovation | Healthcare | Insights Care

The advent of latest innovative technologies has introduced numerous developments in different industries around us. From textile, transportation,

James Paat | President & CEO | InXite Health Systems | Insights Care

Leadership is finding your voice, inspiring others to find their voice, empowering people, and executing actions that make

AIMS Hospital Research Center | Devotion | Insights Care

The healthcare segment in Pune is undergoing an interesting metamorphosis with healthcare players foraying into the city and

Optimizing Healthcare | Medicine | Insights Care

With every blink of an eye, someone somewhere is making new developments and innovations. One of the key

Mutat KRAS Gene | Cancer | Insights Care

RAS is a gene family that makes proteins which control cell growth and cell death in a human

Bridging | Insights Care

Public and private healthcare are the two most vital pillars of our healthcare eco-system. While the private healthcare

Healthcare | Insights Care

Investment opportunities in the Indian healthcare sector have increased significantly and the sector is expected to be one

VishwaRaj Hospital | Healthcare | Insights Care

A good hospital cures the patient and builds a network of satisfied clients but a great hospital builds

Dr. Virendra Ghaisas | ENT Rhinoplasty Surgeon | Insights Care

In today’s world, we often come across people who have made revisions to their nose through a surgery

Dr. Sudhir V. Medhekar, Mr. Pankhil Gandhi | Healthcare | Insights Care

With a population of more than 1.3 billion people, India is currently a home to a fifth of

Dr. Ritu Hinduja | Insights Care

Fertility preservation or preserving ones’ fertility potential for future use is a concept which is though recent but

Dr. Varsha Sharma-Kapila | Insights Care

Robotic surgery or computer-assisted surgery is the terms used to address technological developments where robotic systems are used