The Most Innovative Biotech Companies to Watch 2019

Atrimed Biotech: Working on Plant Molecules for Treatment of Psoriasis, Acne, and Arthritis
Science has reached a bottleneck in finding small molecules in therapeutics for many diseases. One drug, one disease, and one target are being strongly contemplated for its lethal side effects. People like us, who are thinking of multiple molecules, have started developing acceptance. A company situated...

Issue Profile

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms | Insights Care
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms: A Catalyst for Research and Innovation in Bioscience
Everything we see around us today has come out of an idea. Implementation of an idea drives innovation...


Healthcare taking a Leap Forward with High-tech Technologies
Healthcare taking a Leap Forward with High-tech Technologies
Thanks to the constant evolution of digital technologies, healthcare industry has been gaining innovative...

Interview with InsightsCare

Abhinav Thakur, MD, Accurex | Insights Care
Accurex- Dedicated to Enhancing the Accuracy and Safety of Diagnostic Lab Tests
Diagnostics is the very first step to live saving and life-augmenting healthcare solutions. Most of the...
Mr. Syed S Ahmed, Founder, TechInvention Lifecare Pvt. Ltd_ | Insights Care
TechInvention Lifecare: Devoted to Enabling Access of Novel Healthcare Therapeutics and Prophylactics to All
Everyday we hear of new researches and inventions made in the healthcare industry, worldwide. A new drug,...

Editor’s Outlook

CRISPR: A Transformative Technique Reshaping Healthcare
CRISPR: A Transformative Technique Reshaping Healthcare
As kids, it was fascinating to read comic books that showed scientists working with DNA or genes to create...