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How Smoking Affects Your Health

Smoking Affects Your Health | Insights Care


It is no more unknown to any living human being that smoking is harmful to health. Even the cigarette packets contain a statutory warning on the front. On a general note, people are aware of the fact that smoking causes various types of cancer like lung and throat cancer. Indirectly, it can lead to many critical problems like insomnia, high blood pressure, heart and artery blockage, Alzheimer’s, fall in immunity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, weakening of bones, chest pain, tuberculosis, cataract, damage in the optical nerve, oral cavity and it can harm some of the critical organs like kidney, pancreas, stomach, heart, lungs and many others.

Almost every one of us knows that nicotine is the substance present in tobacco, which causes addiction, nicotine along with tar and other substances are the primary things which are found in every cigarette, causing critical health problems.

It is popularly known the cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and the mutagenesis found in smoking-associated lung cancer is often determined by various factors including nucleotide excision repair. Scientists have developed a general method genome-wide mapping of nucleotide excision repair at a single-nucleotide resolution, and it was applied to generate repair maps of UV- and BaP-induced DNA damage in humans. This has been found a useful method to study repair all types of DNA damages that undergo nucleotide excision repair.

A widespread potent carcinogen found in coal tar, cigarette smoke, food and industrial smoke is Benzo[a]pyrene. It has reported by the scientists that Benzo[a]pyrene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon which is one of the leading causes of lung cancer.

BaP is known to form covalent DNA adducts after inducing mutations and metabolic activation. Scientists’ new method for giving extraordinary results in capturing oligonucleotides carrying bulky base adducts which include UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers(CPDs), and BaP diol epoxide-deoxyguanosine (BPDE-dG), which is taken out from the genome by the process of nucleotide excision repair.

It has been informed by the experts all over the world that smokers are 30% to 40% more prone to develop type 2 diabetes rather than people who do not smoke. They have apparently said that more the number of cigarettes an individual smoke, it increases the chances of having a higher risk of having diabetes. Smoking can also develop rheumatoid arthritis. . So, it’s to say, “No smoking” for a better tomorrow.

Everyone will have to die one day, no one is immortal but if we can die little better and healthier, then why not? Quitting smoking can give positive impacts to the smoker, though some results appear very soon and some show in a long time. After leaving tobacco use, one can feel from the next day that they can see better and he/she can get better results shortly like fewer chances of having the risk of low bone mass and fractures.



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